/ Bloody Sport: Actors. Universal script for action movie

"Bloody sport": actors. A universal scenario for the militant

This article is devoted to the movie "Bloodysport". The actors who starred in it became legends both in Russia and in the West. In Russia, they became legends much earlier, immediately after the movie was released.

The article will be closely considered onlyTwo Bloody Sports Actors: Jean-Claude Van Damme and Bolo Yen. The reason for such selectivity is simple: the whole plot of the film rests on the opposition of this pair. Along the way, comparing the "Blood Sport" and "Double Strike", we derive some universal scenario of many action films of this genre.


Since starring in the movie "Blood Sport"actors - personalities are legendary, then we will not spread the idea of ​​the tree and denote only the main points. The protagonist Frank Dyuks - professional military, who voluntarily left the ranks of the American army to take part in an underground tournament in martial arts. The best "killing machines" from all over the world will gather for him. This is Frank's old dream, but he does it not for himself, but for his teacher S. Tanaki. Usually, the Tanaka clan passed its knowledge only by inheritance, but then a tragedy happened, and the teacher lost his only son, so Frank asked the teacher to devote him to all the tricks of the martial arts. Tanaka did so.

Teacher. Friend. Enemy. Revenge. Triumph

blood sport actors

The actors who starred in the film "Blood Sport"equip the film with a standard structure. The main character has a noble goal - winning the tournament and honoring his teacher, who lost his son. Frank has a friend, Ray Jackson (Donald Gibb), and an enemy appears - Chong Lee (Bolo Yen) - the main contender for victory in the tournament and the holder of all major competition records. Expected plot twist: the main rival meets Frank's friend and almost cripples him. So there is a universal motive of almost all the militants in this genre - revenge. The main character must avenge his friend.

M. N. Zadornov noticed this, that all American militants are built on revenge of someone for someone, and that Van Damme was the pioneer.

Then everything happens like a thumb:Frank is going to win. In the finals, he, of course, loses first, he almost kills Chong Lee in the ring, and then he defeats the villain in moral character and makes him surrender, thereby the wretch Chong Lee completely loses his strength, and good triumph triumph over evil. In fact, “Bloody Sport”, whose actors embodied the future classics of the genre on the screen, is a model for all subsequent films of this kind. Sam J.-K. Van Damme repeatedly referred to the scheme, which was used for the first time in the "Blood Sport".

"Double punch"

film actors blood sport

In the film about twin brothers (played by J.-C.Van Damme) reproduced all the same script. There is a teacher Frank (played by Jeffrey Lewis), there is a motive of revenge - the villains killed the parents of the main characters. One of the most important villains - Moon performed by Bolo Yen. And again they are with J.-C. Van Damme converge in the final battle, and again one of the main characters is almost defeated, but at the last moment he is going and winning. Thus, the actors of the film “Bloody Sport” presented the archetype of an action movie to the world, in which the hero prefers to deal with enemies with the help of combat skills.