/ / Review of the movie "Jennifer's Body": actors, plot, critics reviews

Review of the film "The Body of Jennifer": actors, story, critics' reviews

Картина "Тело Дженнифер" хорошо знакома фанатам horror and black comedies. The film premiered in October 2009. The leading roles were performed by famous Hollywood actors Amanda Seyfried, Megan Fox and Johnny Simmons.

Megan Fox


The role of Jennifer, the main character of the film, performedMegan Fox, star of the Transformers franchise. Negotiations with the actress about her participation in the film began in 2007, long before the start of work on the project. Megan liked the script, and she agreed to participate in the film.

Her best friend Nidi, quiet and shygirl, played one of the brightest Hollywood actresses Amanda Seyfried. She was approved for the role of Nidi in February 2008. The actress was pleased with her role and said that playing Jennifer would be much more difficult for her.

Johnny Simmons was approved for the role of Chip, the guyNidi. The actor previously played in the films Hotel for Dogs and Evan Almighty, but Jennifer's Body can be considered the most famous project with his participation.

Kyle Gallner and Chris Pratt also received small roles in the movie "Jennifer's Body." The actors played Colin Gray, Nidi's classmate, and a police officer, respectively.

In March 2008, the casting of the movie "Jennifer's Body" was completed. The actors were approved, the script was finalized, and the filming process began.

The creators of the film

The director was Karin Susama, who previously worked on the fantastic fighter "Eon Flax" and the sports drama "Female Battle". "Jennifer's Body" is the third feature film in her career.

The screenplay was written by Diablo Kloudi, known as the writer and producer of the teenage drama "Juneau".

The soundtrack to the picture was created by novice composer Stephen Burton.


The events take place in the provincial Americantown. Jennifer Chek - the most popular girl in school, the captain of the support team, the dream of all the guys. Nidi, her best friend, is completely different - she is a quiet, modest, not very attractive girl.

Once Jennifer invites Nidi to go torock concert at a local bar to have some fun. But during the concert there is a tragedy - a fire begins in the bar and several people die. Jennifer leaves the scene of the tragedy with the guys from the rock band. Soon she returns and begins to behave very unusually. Nidi suspects that something bad has happened to her friend and is trying to figure out what happened that night.

Meanwhile, the town covers a series of brutal murders, to which Jennifer has the most direct relationship.

The film


The picture received mostly negative reviews from critics. It was noted that the film "Jennifer's Body" was not funny enough for a comedy and not scary enough for a horror.

Critic Joshua Roskopf in his review sharplycriticized the picture, especially the character Nidi. Michael Srahou noted that the only advantage of the film is its name. The famous film critic Roger Edger called the picture "The Body of Jennifer" "Twilight" for the guys.

As is usually the case, viewers were less categorical in their reviews. From them, the film received mixed reviews and average ratings on movie sites.

The actors who played in the movie "The Body of Jennifer" were nominated for several film awards. Megan Fox nearly won the Golden Raspberry for her, and Amanda Seyfred won the MTV Channel Award for Best Fright.

The film

Box office

The film’s budget was $ 16 million, almosta third of which went to the fee Megan Fox. Despite the fact that critics have crushed the film "Jennifer's Body", the actors who played the main roles in the film, saved her from the box office failure. Cash gathering exactly doubled the budget and amounted to $ 32 million.