/ / The meaning of the title of the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboedov

The meaning of the title of the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboedov

The meaning of the title of the comedy "Woe from Wit" would be tempting to express in one short, laconic, biting phrase. But it is hardly possible to implement this way. Let us explain what has been said.

Search for the idea of ​​"Woe from Wit"

Dramaturgy of Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov inThis play is innovative, multifaceted. Therefore, it is unequivocal to determine which of the heroes of the work (representing the "old age" or presenting the new one) won, and who lost, is impossible.

the meaning of the name comedy grief from the mind

The play carries a philosophical meaning and, therefore, favorably differs from the scenes from the classical salon dramaturgy of the 19th century. Griboyedov in it displayed a full-fledged model of the Russian "half-light."

The name of the comedy "Woe from Wit" is deceptive:although, in the opinion of the author himself, it expresses the idea of ​​the work, but this does not happen. The point is Griboyedov's talent. In fact, he made the work an order of magnitude deeper than he himself could describe it. Explain this idea can only analogy with ... "Silent Don" by Mikhail Sholokhov.

Griboedov the artist is stronger than Griboedov the playwright

We abstract from the difference of epochs.Another important thing is that Sholokhov, the writer, proved to be stronger than Sholokhov the Communist (who branded Pasternak's shame). Mikhail Alexandrovich did not begin to disclose the "correctness" of the commissars in the "Quiet Don", but he spoke in a heartfelt manner of Grigory Melekhov. And already proceeding from this, the reader saw a true model of an unhealthy society.

Returning to the work of AlexanderSergeevich Griboyedov, we can also rightly say: the author showed an order of magnitude more than he himself said in a simplified model of "25 fools for one clever".

A play without winners and losers

On the pressing issues of the early nineteenth century, raised inhis work by diplomat Griboyedov, a man who is undoubtedly shrewd, should be looked at more widely. The civilizational conflict of the old with the new outlines this work meaning. "Woe from Wit" is the arena of a clash of two worldviews: the old, serfdom-bureaucratic (the last century), and the new, bourgeois-raznochinsky, born in the minds of future Decembrists after Russia's victory over Napoleon.

the meaning of sorrow from the mind

Indeed, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, expressing sharp and reasonable judgments after coming from Europe, in the course of the play, encounters a wall of misunderstanding of the Moscow aristocratic society.

But for a young person the most painful thing is thatHis hopes for a mutual feeling are falling apart with Sofya Pavlovna's young unmarried daughter Famusova. In addition, he "does not stack up with a career" and, obviously, will not work out. Do you think he lost completely? Do you think that the word "grief" was said by the author in reference to Chatsky?

Why, and Famusov not be an "ace"!

Representatives of two worlds: Chatsky and Famusov

What author gives the consequences of the conflictdescription? "Woe from Wit" in the finale contains a scene when Alexander Andreevich withdraws, feeding offense from "offended feelings." However, Pavel Afanasievich Famusov, the manager in the public place, does not look like a winner, the organizer of the "cold as ice" reception of Chatsky in his house. He is also not the victorious party to the conflict. He gets his "million torment". Famusov in the current hierarchy can not "jump above the head" in terms of career. He has very average business qualities (he is lazy and does not know how to work with documents). His only hope is to increase the family's capital through the marriage of his daughter with Colonel Sergei Sergeyevich Skalozub. However, this is also problematic. Sophia understands the idiocy of a father-made passion.

"Woe from Wit" - a story about pre-December Russia

Thus, the meaning of the comedy title "Woe frommind "is quite different. This is not the "grief" of Chatsky alone from the underestimation of his views by society. (In the course of the play, a positive hero encounters 25 characters who are apologists of the old bureaucratic society.) This problem should be looked at more broadly.

images of grief from the mind

This is the grief of all post-war serf Russia,where the "Chatsky" (future Decembrists) have already understood: it is necessary to change the social matrix of society, to destroy the career ladder based on service and flattery, to start developing new projects in the society. And society (including aristocratic) continues to live "old life", allowing its petty mercantile career aspirations, giving birth to the Molchalins.

The meaning of the work

The identity of the author himself is the key that determines hissame works meaning. "Woe from Wit" - Griboyedov's attempt to publicly, resonantly, to yell at the top of his voice (there is nothing to be done without gross frankness) to the entire Russian society, that there is a problem in its development. The clever diplomat felt not only the pressing issues of the "current day", perhaps he anticipated a coming split in the society (which, as we know from history, led to a brutal reaction in the days of Nicholas I).

Do you think he was heard? Even Pushkin with irony reacted to the image of Chatsky, not understanding it. What can I say next?

"Woe from Wit" - an innovative play

The work makes great bright images."Woe from Wit" is not only the 26 people who appear on stage. After all, there are also extra-personal characters. Prince Fyodor, a "botanist and chemist", Skalozub's cousin, along with "practicing split and bezvery" professor of the pedagogical institute - potential allies of Chatsky.

name comedy grief from the mind

It is also worthy of respect that the author triesbring the meaning of the comedy "Woe from Wit", completely "cracking" the old drama. Griboyedov-innovator departed when creating a work from the classicism, his creation is quite realistic. The author creates a full-fledged model of society with 26 real, characteristic characters instead of 5-6 (the usual circle of characters of classicism). In the end, Alexander Sergeevich does not use the classical Alexandrian verse, but passes to the "free iambic".

grief from the mind the main thing

Instead of concluding

We, talking about the play, finally came to the opportunity to understand the meaning of the comedy "Woe from Wit". Note that characters are not ideal in the work:

  • freethinker, melancholic, "funny little fellow" (according to the review of Pushkin) Chatsky;
  • The mercantile father of the family and the official with average abilities of Famusov;
  • A clever careerist and a deceiver MOLCHALIN;
  • self-satisfied and narrow-minded campaigner - Colonel Skalozub;
  • Confused between the desire for happiness and capable of meanness Sophia;
  • still a decent, but disenfranchised servant Lisa.

All of them help the reader of the comedy to find in it a profound philosophical overtones.

Define the same in "Woe from Wit" the main thing - the ideaworks. Can we say that Chatsky is smart? Yes and no. He has an understanding of the dynamics of progress, but there is no contact with people. Let's be frank: he is intellectually unable to become a donor of these ideas to society.

a description of sorrow from the mind
Ideus is opposed ideologically by Famusov.Can you say that he is smart? Yes and no. He does not understand that the feudal state is moving towards a catastrophe, struggling to maintain the obsolete order. But is he stupid? Hardly. Most likely, he just lives for today. In addition, he, unlike Chatsky, has a certain social status: the father of the family, lives in harmony with society, that is, he is oriented in people. His home for the closest community of aristocrats is the center of secular life.

Conclusion: each of these characters has a mind.However, their orientation is polar opposite. One understands the perspective ways of the development of society and can not realize them. The other, in principle, can (he will, if he wants, find words to convince his "near circle"), but does not consider Chatzky's pro-Western thinking to be true, preferring "patriarchal antiquity."

The problem is that the mind of these two peopleis aimed at mutual opposition, and not on the development of society. This is the essence of the idea laid down in the title of the work. True said the classic: "The problem of Russia - fools and roads!"