The absolute majority of people know who the authorcomedy "Woe from Wit." Why did Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov choose such a name for his work? Perhaps this is something autobiographical. In this article we will try to tell about the personality of this worthy person. He combined an encyclopedic mind, undeniable talent, the determination of the hussar and high service to the motherland.

Multifaceted talent
It is very difficult to answer in monosyllablesthe question of who is the author of the comedy "Woe from Wit", referring to his occupation and talents. Diplomat? Military? Politician? Musician? His fate is short, like a swan song. Griboedov in love, having married, spent only two weeks with his young wife Nina Chavchavadze. Then he was summoned to the Persian Embassy and martyrdom.
As a diplomat, he was highly valued in Russia forcourage and courage to defend interests in the East. As a politician, he personally showed himself when the Russian-Persian peace treaty was signed, which served as the basis for a bloody war. As a playwright, he continued the traditions of realism in the Russian national theater, creating an immortal classic. As a military Griboyedov served as a cornet. Imagine it turned out a real hussar-reveler! About all this below we will tell readers in more detail.
Родился Александр Сергеевич 15.01.1790 г.in an old noble family. Since childhood, his abilities are clearly manifested. Raising children in the Griboedov family was strict; his mother, Anastasia Fyodorovna, was an imperious woman and practically managed the house and property herself.

In his heart he remained the same hussar
Rereading the biography of Alexander SergeevichGriboyedov, we can definitely say who the author of the comedy is “Woe from Wit”, referring to his moral character. He was not prudent or schemer. On the contrary, the future classic in fervor, valuing the principles of friendship, could get involved in a stupid and dangerous story, even when it entailed negative consequences for himself.
As you guessed, it is about famousquadruple duel, the cause of which was the dancer Istomin In 1817, Zavadsky fatally wounded Sheremetev in a duel, and in 1818 Yakubovich wounded Griboyedov in his left hand.
Griboyedov thirst for change
Do not make mistakes those who answer the question:"Who is the author of the comedy" Woe from wits? " Who, if not to this one of the most educated people of Russia (he mastered Latin, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, Persian in his mature years), knew that serfdom had rejected his Homeland a century ago?

That is why the comedy “Woe from Wit” was written. Perhaps, in order to initiate change, Griboedov in 1817 became a full member of the Masonic lodges "United Friends" and "Benefit" (Petersburg).
The main work of life
The author of “Woe from Wit” began his diplomaticserving as secretary of the mission in Persia. Then transferred to Tbilisi (Tiflis). Here he wrote the first two acts of “Woe from Wit”. Pushkin's lyceum friend Wilhelm Kuchelbecker (the future Decembrist) became the first and grateful listener. Soon on leave, held in Moscow and near Tula, by the autumn of 1824, the remaining parts of the work were written down by a diplomat poet.

However, the author of the comedy “Woe from Wit” made sure that there was no pass to his work. After the duel, the police secretly watched him. Perhaps the gendarmes were aware of the "seditious play."
Впрочем, несмотря на старания жандармов, The progressive Russian reading public nevertheless saw the announcement of the work: the Russian Thalia almanac published excerpts from a comedy. The ban did not prevent people from getting acquainted with the comedy in handwritten copies. Excerpts from the play were on the lips of the community.
Disgraced Griboedov
The author of the work “Woe from Wit”, with his creation, undoubtedly, ideologically struck a blow at the outdated model of landowner-bureaucratic power supported by tsarism. He was personally acquainted with the Decembrists.
Therefore, in 1825 he was arrested assuspected of complicity in the uprising on the Senate Square. Despite the six-month interrogations, Alexander Sergeyevich, a man of strong-willed and courageous, managed to prove his innocence. He was released and sent to Persia, where it was necessary to end the two-year war. As a military man, he participates in several battles, but as a diplomat Griboedov turned out to be "more valuable than a 20-thousand army." The document of the Turkmanchay world prepared by him in 1828 introduced the Erivan and Nakhchivan khanates into Russia. For this merit, he is introduced to the rank of state councilor and, after empowering, is appointed ambassador to Persia.
Last years
They write that this astute personanticipated his death. In Russia, the authorities tried to "keep him on a short leash." The last year of his life brightened up the love of the young princess Nina Chavchavadze and the wedding. However, after two weeks of vacation for the wedding, the diplomat was given a new assignment to be an authorized ambassador to Persia. Here he was not loved.

In fact, Alexander Sergeevich was sent toa Muslim country, demanding from it the execution of errands, often contradicting the way of local life. Simply put, a potentially dangerous and suspiciously intelligent diplomat was framed. However, "serving the cause, not the faces," and being a courageous man, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov did not refuse.
He courageously led in a hostile countrydiplomatic mission, tenaciously defended the interests of the Russian hostages. Here he was killed by provoked fanatics. Griboedov died as a soldier, organizing the defense of the embassy, being in arms.
Forever remained in Russian literature imperishablemonument to the work "Woe from Wit." The author, Griboyedov, never saw him on the theater stage (for the first time the premiere was held in 1831). Since then, an amazing comedy in its depth has always been present in the repertoire of theaters.

This pure, honest, courageous and intelligent man is still forever in history. The above quote is the words of the widow of the poet-diplomat Nina Chavchavadze-Griboedova, addressed to her late husband.