/ / Soviet writer Valentin Kataev: biography, creativity

Soviet writer Valentin Kataev: biography, creativity

Kataev Valentin Petrovich - very popular,especially in the Soviet years, a writer, journalist, playwright, prose writer, poet and screenwriter. In 1974, for his many years of literary work, he was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor. He has created a lot of theatrical productions, feature films and documentaries and cartoons. Creativity Valentina Kataeva became timely and indispensable, it carried the most necessary moral education, the charge of kindness and humanity.

Valentin Kataev biography

Little about the pedigree

Start a biography of this famous writer with his amazing pedigree. And in it you can find a lot of interesting things.

His paternal grandfather - Vasily KataevAlekseevich (b. 1819) - was the son of a priest and followed in his footsteps, first he graduated from the Vyatka Theological Seminary, then the Moscow Theological Academy, until eventually he became the archpriest of the Vyatka Cathedral.

Father Valentin Petrovich - Kataev Petr Vasilyevich- was a very educated person, graduated from a seminary, then Novorossiysk University Faculty of History and Philology, and eventually became a teacher of cadets of the Odessa diocesan school.

Mother - Bachey Evgenia Ivanovna - was the daughter of a general from the Poltava small-family.

У писателя был и младший брат - Евгений Катаев (pseudonym Petrov on behalf of the father), who also later became a famous writer. By the way, Evgeny is the same Petrov who, in collaboration with Ilf, wrote his famous works “12 chairs” and “The Golden Calf”.

Valentine Kataev books

Valentin Kataev: biography

V.P.Kataev was born in Odessa in 1897, on January 16. His parents were a happy couple, who had two gifted children (in the future, the writers Valentin and Yevgeny). After the birth of her second child, Evgenia Ivanovna contracted pneumonia and died. Her sister took care of the children’s upbringing and care, and she replaced her own mother with them.

There was an extraordinarily large library in their family,filled with classic, historical, reference and encyclopedic literature, which Valentin Kataev so adored. His biography indicates that parents read these books out loud to their children.

First works

The love of classical literature was instilled in children since childhood. Kataev himself later recalled that even then he felt that he would become a writer.

His first poem "Autumn" was published in the press of "Odessa Messenger" in 1910. Two years later, 25 more poems were published.

In 1912, in the same newspaper beginpublish the first humorous stories. And at the same time, two voluminous stories are being published as a separate publication - “The Dark Personality” and “Awakening”. In the first, there was a satire on A. Kuprin, M. Kornfeld, A. Averchenko, and in the second a story told about the love of a young man who refused from the revolutionary movement for her.

Kataev Valentin Petrovich


Before the start of the First World Writer Valentin Kataevmet with his literary teachers I.A. Bunin and A.M. Fedorov. A little later, they make friends with the young Odessa writers Eduard Bagritsky and Yuri Olesha.

He had an unfinished gymnasium education due to participation in the First World and civil wars, and then in the White movement.

In 1915, Valentin Kataev volunteered for the army. The biography has data that he served in the rank of ensign, was twice wounded and was poisoned by gases.

In the summer of 1917, the writer after being injuredRomanian front was in the hospital in Odessa. He was awarded two crosses of St. George and the Order of St. Anne IV "For Bravery". With the first officer rank for personal services, he received the title of a nobleman who was not inherited.


In his free time, Kataev writes stories and essays on front-line life. In the journal “All World” in 1915, for the first time on the pages of the Moscow publishing house, his story “Nemchik” is published.

Kataev considered Ivan Bunin to be the main and only teacher of his, with whom self-taught writer A. Fedorov introduced him in Odessa.


After the Odessa Hospital in 1918, Kataeventers the service of the troops of Hetman P. Skoropadsky, and after his betrayal and flight to Berlin he goes into the volunteer army in the rank of second lieutenant. Then he served as an artilleryman on the Novorossia armored train, fought against Petliurists in Vinnitsa and the Reds in Berdichev.

До начала отступления в 1920 году в Жмеринке он he suffers from typhus, and the Odessa hospital is waiting for him again, and then his relatives, who are still sick and weak, take him home. After his recovery, he became an underground worker in an officer's conspiracy against PN. Wrangel. Soon, he and his brother Yevgeny were arrested and held in prison until September 1920, then they were released, the rest of the conspirators were shot the same autumn.


In 1921 he works in KharkovPublisher with Yuri Olesha and rents an apartment with him. In 1922, Kataev moved to the capital and began working in the Gudok newspaper, all his articles of that time were humorous and satirical, he signed with the pseudonyms Mitrofan Gorchitsa, Starik Sabbakin, Ol. Twist.

When the poet O. Mandelstam was arrested in 1938, whose works were perceived by the Soviet authorities as slanderous and obscene, Kataev helped his family with money.

writer Valentin Kataev

War time

On the war with the fascist invaders Kataevalready went as a war correspondent. At this time, he wrote short stories, essays, journalistic articles. One of the most striking works of those years was the story “Our Father”.

Before the Great Victory, he will write his famous story "The Son of the Regiment" and in 1946 will receive the State Prize for it.

After the war, Kataev began to suffer heavy drinking days that nearly led him to divorce his wife, Valentina Serova. But he changed his mind in time, pulled himself together and quit drinking.

Valentine Kataev for children

Valentin Kataev: books

Between 1955 and 1961, Kataev foundsmagazine "Youth" and becomes its chief editor. Here he relies on the work of still unknown young, but very promising poets and prose writers, the so-called Sixties.

Очень легким, простым и понятным языком пишет his works Valentin Kataev, his books are becoming very popular. The first success was brought to him by the story “Rovers” (1926), then followed by the “Quadrature of the Circle” (1928), “Time, Forward!” (1932). It should also be noted the story "The Holy Well" (1965), "Grass of Oblivion" (1967), "My Diamond Crown" (1975), "Dry Liman" (1986), etc.

Также много создал произведений Валентин Катаев for children and young people, here he showed new facets of his work. In the early 40s, he began to print his fairy tales "Fife and jug", "Dove", "Flower-7". And in 1945, the fairy tales “Pearl” and “Stump” come out, in which he discusses moral issues very subtly.

Very carefully and delicately brings the child tocorrect conclusions Valentin Kataev. His biography has mostly always been associated with creativity. In 1926 he set about creating the tetralogy of the “Waves of the Black Sea”, which included the stories “A Sailing Lonely White” (1936), “The Catacombs” (1951), “A Little Farm in the Steppe” (1956), “Winter the wind ”(1960).

creativity valentine kataeva

After Kataev wanted to put the chief editor"Literary Gazette", but something did not work there. Then in 1966 he, among 25 cultural workers, signed a letter to L.I. Brezhnev-the then ruler of the USSR, against the rehabilitation of Stalin.

In 1979, the “New World” published the story “Alreadywritten by Werther, where he revealed the secret of his participation in the White movement and his arrest. This story in society has caused a great resonance. The writer at that time was already 83 years old.

At the end of his life, Kataev Valentin Petrovich sufferedoperation, he removed a cancerous tumor. In the 90th year of life, April 12, 1986, the writer was gone. His grave is located at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.