/ Crochet:. Coquette for a crocheted dress: diagram

Round coquette crochet: outline. Coquette for a crocheted dress: diagram

Any dress will decorate the tied crocheted crochet.Its scheme, as a rule, differs little from a round or square napkin. Only inside, a space is left for the armhole so that the product can then be put on. Work on coquette also does not require a special level of skill. Even a novice knitter can cope with it.

The need for flops

Many sources describe a coquette fordresses (crochet). Schemes of it are both very simple, and quite complex. Sometimes, you look at this description and think about whether it's worth bothering.

Definitely worth it.The fact that this piece of clothing is well organized by the whole product. She shifts the emphasis from the lower levels to the top. Quite often it represents in a favorable light almost any female figure. Even if the young lady has rather wide shoulders, a coquette with a vertical pattern visually reduces them.

crocheted crochet scheme

Most often it is precisely the round coquette(crocheted). The scheme foresees knitting in a circle, which provides simply the smartest decorative effects. Therefore, coquette is not just practical, but also very beautiful.

Children's dress for beginners

Craftsmen who have not yet masteredsimilar to needlework, perfect for training this children's coquette crochet. The scheme of its extremely simple, so do not even make it a graphical version.

Work starts from the top of the chain of airloops. The width of the initial ring is equal to the width of the neck. The whole coquette is tied together with the crochet stitches. For those who do not know how to do this, recall. Hooked working thread. Then the tool is passed into the loop of the previous row and draws to the front side one more loop formed from the working thread. The hook produces 3 loops. We send two of them in turn.

This crochet dress is a crochet, the outline of whichsuitable for beginners, foresees the gradual expansion of the canvas, so that it is obtained in one plane. Therefore, in every second or third row we sew two loops in one base through an equal interval.

For textile dresses

It is not necessary to make a coquette forDresses (crochet), whose patterns we are considering, was the basis for a knitted product. You can decorate it with textile clothes. This option is ideal in case of alteration of old things, which have already lost a bit of appearance.

crocheted crochet

In the proposed variant, the work is done from belowup. First, the product is tied round in the same intervals using arches from the air loops. Their number depends on the yarn and the number of the hook. The second row is similarly executed in a staggered manner.

The following series already have some simple pattern fromgroups of columns with one crochet. To make it more interesting, the author of this particular version in one of the rows increased the number of air loops in the intermediate arch.

An important feature, which is represented by a coquette with a crochet, the scheme of which will be different for different workers - the number of loops is not increased, but is reduced, pulling the product together.

Little children's coquette

The following pattern is not a finished product foran adult, but rather an option, as one can use in everyday life crochet. The coquette, the scheme of which is presented here, is designed for the doll. But it can easily be transformed into a full piece of clothing.

Crochet for dress crochet scheme

It is knitted by fans of columns with a crochet.You need to start with a chain of air loops, closed in a ring, which forms the neck of the dress. The diagram clearly shows how the work is done. For a full-fledged product, it is worth making some adjustments.

First, the number of rows is muchmore so that the width of the canvas is about 15 cm, depending on the size. Secondly, adding loops in each row, at the output we get a very wavy product, which is not much like a coquette. Therefore, the addition should be done in 2-3 rows. Experienced skilled workers are able to control this process.

Another coquette from the bottom up

Here is another round flared crochet, schemewhich is built in the direction of the neck. It starts with the line, which is in the figure near the figure 1. This is the edge of the finished lower part of the product. Do not forget that it is very important to monitor the reduction in the number of loops so that the coquette is pulled together upward.


In the pattern, columns are used in the crochet, indicated by vertical lines, and air loops marked with rings.

When the last row is completed, it is recommended thatmake another 1-2 that will form a beautiful edge. These straps are made, as a rule, columns without a crochet, so as not to increase the length. Thus, we get a coquette with a hook, the scheme of which is readable even by beginners.

But in any case, you always need to leave a placefor improvisation. At least change the number of air loops between the bars and see what will come of it. But you need to do this with yarns that do not lose their appearance after the product is blown.

Exquisite pineapple

The use of weaving is very popularpineapples, which actively uses crochet. The coquette, the scheme of which is presented here, turns out to be delicate and simply luxurious. But for its implementation will require considerable attention, since it is necessary to keep an eye on the pattern all the time. The slightest error will be strongly visible and spoil the whole appearance.

crocheted dresses crocheted scheme

The scheme uses columns with and without cords and air loops. Begins knitting with three rows of arches of air loops. Their number must be calculated in advance, based on the multiplicity of the report.

The entire coquette is 32 rows of two rowspineapple pattern. It is worth noting that the size of the length of this product can be impressive. Therefore, before starting work, make a trial knitting of your yarn and crochet from the crocheted stitches. This will give an opportunity to roughly calculate the width of the 1 row and estimate how long the coquette will be.

Coquette of motives

Of round motifs, you always get a beautiful coquette with a crochet. Scheme of this motive is for every master. In addition, you can always come up with something new, experimenting with round patterns.

crocheted baby coquette

The width of the future coquette depends on several factors: the size of the individual motifs and the number of rows made of them. These parameters can always be adjusted.

Since we knit a product of motifs, it is better todo not stitch, but tie to each other. This is obtained if in the last row in the connecting chain of the air loops, insert the same element from the ready-made motif. This allows you to decorate the product more accurately.

Do not be afraid to create a flirt for dresses and blouses. This makes your clothes individual and special.