/ Coquette for a children's dress crocheted. Coquette

Coquette for children's dress crochet. The skirt scheme

Crochet skills allowquickly and beautifully create a variety of garments, soft toys and interior items. The advantages of most techniques for the hook can be called the possibility of changing the direction of knitting, the presence of only one loop, as well as the specifics of the canvas.

When crocheting a cloth in most casesa little tougher than with knitting. It does not collapse into a tube, does not shrink and does not deform so much, therefore, when crocheting flat parts, you can attach them to the pattern and add / subtract, focusing on the drawn contours.

Children's dresses and their specifics

Many girls start to have an interest incrochet when they become moms. Children's things are very small and from start to finish they can be made literally in the evening. In addition, children's proportions are significantly different from adults, and when knitting clothes, you do not have to wrestle with how to fit the product or to wrap the correct shape of the sleeve.

Coquette for children's dresses crocheted

В этой статье речь пойдет о том, как вяжется Coquette for children's crochet dress. A coquette is the upper part of clothing (dress, sweater, sweater) that has a different color, style of performance or is otherwise separated from the rest of the product. There are several types of yoke:

  • Round.
  • Quadrangular (or square).
  • Tied in a smooth canvas.
  • Consisting of individual fragments.

Coquette for children crochet dresses: knitting round

This coquette looks the most festive.Her knitting is not difficult, especially if there is a suitable scheme and the craftswoman has the skills of circular knitting. However, it often happens that the scheme of the coquette of a children's dress crocheted together is not combined with the selected yarn, the number of these rows is not enough, or the craftswoman simply does not like the proposed pattern. In this case, you have to connect the fantasy and start experiments.

crochet knitting basics for children's crochet dresses

The coquette for a children's dress, crocheted in a circle, can be based on the pattern of any circular napkin. Just need to take into account a few points:

  • A small sample should be knitted to calculate the number of loops per 10 cm of web.
  • The first row of the coquette will be a series of napkins, which is 6-9 cm distant from the center. The diameter of the finished neck then get 12-18 cm, depending on the age of the child and the model of the dress.
  • You should not choose napkins with too large patterns, since there will not be enough rows on the children's coquette for its realization, and in its unfinished form it will look “cropped”.

The diagram below shows a very successful yoke.

circular coquette scheme
Она содержит достаточно рядов для вязания даже fine thread, and if desired, you can continue to expand or interrupt knitting in any row. If necessary, you can pull the neck, threading a string in the indicated places. Also on one side of the proposed buttonholes. If you plan to knit solid, one-piece yoke, then the first row should be closed in a ring and then knit in a circle.

Coquette quadrangular

Such a yoke is the most simple to manufacture, itscan be easily adapted to any product. The pictures below show the knitting pattern of a quadrangular coquette for children's dresses (crocheted) and a finished dress with such an element.

crochet baby dress

Do not confuse concepts such as square andquadrangular coquette. The first one is knitted very simply: the canvas is divided into four parts (four corners) and the loops are added, forming right angles. An angle of 90 degrees is formed when knitting three loops from one loop of the previous row. The resulting canvas is perfectly flat, but its significant drawback is protruding shoulders.

yoke for crochet baby dress
The quad flashing pattern has a bitanother principle of expansion: four acute angles are formed, about 60 degrees each. In this case, the resulting detail is more consistent with the anatomical structure of the human body.

By the way, for the same reason, the circular coquette scheme in the previous paragraph does not constitute an ideal circle.

Straight coquette: solid canvas

If you want to save time and effort as much as possible, you can use the easiest way to knit a baby coquette: tie it exactly.

 Crochet baby dress
For reference, you can draw a pattern orjust calculate the required number of loops. It is possible to knit a coquette of a children's dress with a crochet by compiling separately connected fragments into one canvas. Here you will also need a pattern.

How to fit coquette for dresses

Some yoke knit as an independent product, which is then sewn to the details of the dress. This is especially true for dresses without sleeves or holiday dresses.

Кокетки, связанные слитно с остальным полотном, can also be used for summer models, although they are more often used for knitting dresses with sleeves. The coquette for a children's dress crocheted by this method makes it possible to very organically fit the sleeves into the cut of the dress, avoiding the need to knit the neck and sew it. Externally, dresses with coquettes look as if connected by the raglan method (in fact, this is what it is).

Methods of connecting the yoke with the product

The coquette for children's dresses described above can be crocheted in two ways:

  1. Top down.
  2. On the contrary - from the bottom up.

The first method is used more often.Its specificity is that you can start knitting with a small chain of air loops and proceed to the subsequent knitting of parts in front, back and sleeves by expanding the web. To do this, the yoke, knitted to the required size, is divided into four linen and continue to knit each of them. Quite often, the front and back knit together with one cloth, connecting them with a circular row.

To continue making the dress with a yoke,connected to the bottom, all finished parts (front, back and sleeves) are connected in series using a circular row. Then continue knitting coquette, observing the principle of cutting loops. To do this, you can even use the same schemes, the main thing is to keep the number of cutting loops in each row (after all, they are added to the diagrams).

The basics of crocheting for children's dresses, crocheted, can help to make a dress of any model: from a warm winter product to an airy elegant dress.