/ / "Pineapple" (hook): pattern design and scope

"Pineapple" (hook): pattern design and scope

Among the huge variety of existing patternsfor the knitting is perhaps the most popular is the pattern of "pineapple" (crochet). The scheme can be classical, advanced or modified. The championship, of course, remains for simple ornaments from several rows, but "pineapple" is optimal for making the most delicate fabrics. In addition, this pattern is available for execution by experienced craftsmen and beginners knitters.

Specificity of the pineapple ornament (hook): pattern design

In the classical form it is a wedge-shaped element. It is rather simple and consists of such main elements:

  • Fan-shaped solid base, all the columns of which have a common origin. It can be either columns without a crochet, or columns with one or more crochets.
  • Decorative part of the triangle.It can be solid or openwork. In some schemes of increased complexity, the cells of the inner triangle of pineapple are additionally decorated with pico from air loops, lush pillars, beads or other elements.
  • Обрамление фрагмента.The "pineapple" itself is formed due to the presence of a kind of framework. Often it consists of "bushes" and serves as a common boundary for two adjacent "pineapples." Framing is connected with a triangle by chains of air loops.

pineapple hook round flax

These features are common to all canvases where "pineapple" (hook) is used. The pattern scheme can have a different type of expansion, be horizontal or vertical.

pineapple hook pattern pattern

Scope of the pattern

This ornament is good for knitting evenor expanding cloths. It is used for the manufacture of women's and children's wardrobe items, and also quite widely used to create interior decorations. These include pillows, bedspreads, rugs, curtains and curtains.

For these reasons, many craftsmen consider the pattern "pineapple" (crochet) to be optimal. The scheme can even be developed independently.

Knitting an even cloth with a pineapple pattern

The principle of forming a simple canvas withoutadditions and extensions is the preservation of the original size of "pineapples" in all elements of the pattern, as well as observing the correct proportion of fragments.

Vertical rows or chess arrangement are notprovide for the appearance of new air loops or columns without a crochet, as opposed to circular canvases. An example of such a scheme is the one that is located below.

pattern of pineapple crocheted pattern

Here, the number of columns and air loops varies in almost every row, but the result is an even straight canvas with a curved edge.

"Pineapple" (hook): Circuit design with circular expansion

Given the specifics of the formation of "pineapples", this pattern is excellent for sharp or gradual expansion of the canvas. New elements are conveniently included in the intervals between "pineapple".

The photo below shows an ornament "pineapple" (hook). The pattern of a fairly large napkin pattern perfectly illustrates how the extension can be applied.

pineapple hook pattern pattern

It's no secret that many schemes of napkins have becomeprototypes of the most successful solutions used to make clothes. So this pattern can serve as the basis for the design of the dress, pullover, skirt or blouse.

The most common technique was the coquetteon the basis of circular series. Many knitters use the "pineapple" pattern (hook) for this. A round coquette with the use of these elements expands and passes into the details of the gear and the back.

"Pineapples" for skirts are also irreplaceable: thanks to the possibility of flapping the canvas, it is possible to make even a product like "sun" or a multilayer volumetric canvas with rows of ruches.