One of the most widely used in knitting patterns can be called the pattern "zigzag" crocheted. The scheme, application and its main features will be discussed in this article.
Basic Pattern
Ornaments based on the addition and reductionColumns - this is the classic crochet. For their successful implementation does not require a high knitting qualification, just enough zeal and care. The canvases made with their help differ in their special texture and color (if materials of different colors are used):
- Successive repetition of rapports contributes to the appearance of vertical flat bands and horizontal - zigzag.
- The boundaries between the color bands are not equal, butwavy. This effect allows you to perform a smooth transition from one color to another, this requires a minimum of three colors. Also, quite often masters use very bright colors to produce a motley canvas.
- The pattern is very convenient for combining with others. Between the stripes of the zigzag pattern you can include openwork patterns or just a few rows of columns.
Principle of pattern formation
Any pattern of "zigzag" crochet (the scheme below, this illustrates) is based on the successive reduction and addition of columns without a crochet or with a crochet.

Due to the fact that two air loops are knit at the highest point of the peak, and two bars are not tied in the cavity, the total number of columns in each row is kept at the same level.

The steps listed below will make it possible to properly execute the zigzag pattern with a crochet (diagrams with descriptions and patterns of the canvases are also given in this paragraph).
- The starting line consists of a chain of 24 air loops (VP), plus three loops for lifting. Further at the beginning of each row, it is required to perform as many loops for lifting.
- The first column with a crochet (CHS) is tied in the 4th loop of the base, * 5 knives are knitted, two loops are passed, another 5SN, 2VP * are knitted. The description from * to * should be repeated until the end of each row.
- The second row begins with ICN, tied inthe last SSN of the previous series. thus, the addition of the amount of CCH occurs. Further, the * SCHN is performed, the two CERs of the previous series remain uninvolved, 5СНН, 2ВП *.
- All other rows (both front and back) repeat the third row.
Knitting a tight pattern
In this case, the "zigzag" pattern was described with a hook,the scheme of which provides for minor tracery elements. Holes are formed when the craftswoman knits the VP at the peak and passes the bars in the valleys of the pattern. However, the basic ornament can be slightly modified.
If necessary, you can get a fullcontinuous or, conversely, openwork pattern "zigzag" crocheted. The circuit will include a continuous ornament by adding PRS provyazyvaniya 2SSN from 1st located at the peak (VP in such a scheme is not present). Reduction of CLOs in the valleys will occur when knitting 2SNN with a common top.
Keep in mind that tight knitting requires more yarn. This technique is used to make coats, hats, warm sweaters and other products.
How to connect an openwork ornament
The pattern of "zigzag" crochet looks very interesting when replacing simple CLS with "bushes" from 3 columns.

In fact, the principle of ornamentationremains unchanged, but the holes become larger and sharper. Such canvases are suitable for making summer dresses, skirts, tops, bags or interior items (bedspreads, rugs, pillows).

I must say that the "zigzag" serves as a beautifulThe basis for the expansion of skirts and dresses. For this, it is worth noting to reduce the bars in some cases. It is better to do this in advance in order to obtain a product of the planned size.