/ / Bead keychains are not only an original decoration on the phone or keys, but also a memorable gift.

Bead keychains are not only an original decoration on the phone or keys, but also a memorable gift.

Keychains from beads to phone are always very beautifuland varied. That is why in our time among the needlewomen, this occupation has become especially popular, and especially woven beads from beads. After all, in the process you can show all your talent as an artist and creative abilities, creating a real masterpiece to envy all those around you. But the most important thing is that such a work will be done by yourself, and it's not difficult to do it, you need only a little imagination and a little patience.

This lesson is suitable for beginnersto needlewomen. Large and complex products require a lot of patience, skill and skills. And the bracelets from beads can be woven by everyone, and the patterns of their weaving are so diverse and at the same time simple, that the whole process will be delivered simply by a lot of positive emotions. There are multi-colored elephants and dogs, cute cats and cubs and many other funny things and little animals. There is no desire to work on ready-made schemes from the Internet, you can easily connect your imagination and get to work!

So how to weave beads from beads?First, to master this beautiful art, you will need, of course, beads, it is best to choose Czech. It is the most smooth and smooth, with a rich palette of colors and shades, and color, resistant to various natural factors. Secondly, we need a line to which beads will be pinned, but it is better to choose copper wire. It is thin and flexible. This key chain will be fine to keep in shape. In addition, it is much easier to work with copper wire, unlike fishing line, which requires a special thin needle. But this is not a problem either. In our time, you can easily find even the thinnest bead needle, which allows you to work with the smallest beads.

It is best to immediately prepare everything necessary forwork. To make beautiful beads from beads, you will definitely need different chains and carbines, as well as beads, pins and scissors. The workplace should be freed from excess items and covered with white cloth, so it will be much easier to work, and even if the beads are scattered, they will be easy to assemble. Before you start, you just need to decide on the shape and color of the keychain. This can help a variety of sites for needlework, where professional craftsmen tell and show how to weave beads from beads with their own hands.

Beads are very beautiful bead on the phone,executed in the form of a zodiac sign. Their production is quite simple, but at the same time such a gift for a close friend will become one of the most memorable, original and touching. There is no more pleasant gift than a surprise prepared by one's own hands, in which is embedded a piece of soul and love. Such beads from beads can be made according to ready-made schemes, and you can come up with an original drawing yourself. It can be anything, for example a heart or some geometric figure. In the manufacture of this design, only one single rule should be followed: the circuit must be slightly extended along a vertical line. Only then the finished product will turn out to be the right square shape.

All these magnificent bead bracelets are weavingusing the technology of hand weaving. It is very easy to master this technique. Such work should always start from the bottom corner on the right side and move up. If such an ornament is made on a copper wire, it is quite possible to do it in one layer, since the wire frame will help it to keep its shape, but if the basis is a fishing line, it is better to make a keychain double. In this case, all the outer beads and the last row must be connected. In the end, it remains only to attach a carbine to the key chain. This decoration will always look fresh and original on the phone, keys or in the car.