/ / Color schemes from beads. Create a bouquet of lavender

Color schemes of beads. Create a bouquet of lavender

Birthday, anniversary or any other date -this is an excellent occasion to please relatives and friends with pleasant gifts. As practice shows, the most unexpected and pleasant surprises are hand-made gizmos - handmade crafts. From the heart to please a loved one will help souvenirs made by themselves.

As such a nice gift, you can make a bouquet of delicate flowers

color schemes from beads
. For example, lavender is the plant's favorite,independently produce which will help the scheme of weaving flowers from beads. And this is how our creation will look like. We will collect it from colored and faceted cylindrical small beads, adhering to the scheme of colors from beads.

Getting started, we need to have:

1. Fifty grams of pale green Czech or any other bead number 10.

2. A hundred grams of purple or close to it the color of felling No. 11.

schemes of weaving flowers from beads
3. A thickness of approximately 0.05 mm is copper or other wire.

4. In green, floristic or tape tape, it is desirable that her tone as much as possible fit the shade of beads for leaves.

5. Suitable for cutting wire scissors.

6. Ten-centimeter porcelain or glass vase at will.

Tips of specialists in beading, which should be followed in the course of work:

- If you can not buy the cabin, then you can replace it with beads. The main thing is that the chosen shade matches the coloring of our plant as much as possible;

- making flowers from beads, weaving patternswhich offer many specialized printed publications, you do not need to waste time selecting beads and counting them. Picking them up for an eye, you still get a wonderful result;

- the volume of the finished bouquet, made in view of the scheme of colors from beads, can be absolutely any.

As an example, I propose to consider a bouquet with nineteen branches.

We take a pre-cut wirelength of about forty centimeters, carefully level it and thread on the middle of somewhere thirty-five beads. Adhering to the desired scheme of colors of beads, we divide the felling into two parts and form two petals of our lavender. There are about a hundred and eighty such twigs.

flowers from beads weaving patterns

For the leaves of our lavender, adhering to the schemecolors from beads, it is necessary to strand approximately thirty beads in the middle of a piece of wire and twist the necessary number of leaves (at a rate of two for each twig). In our case, they will need thirty-eight pieces.

Taking into account the color scheme of beads, we collecttwigs, folding them together, and connect. Then we form the foot of the flower, twist the wire. We repeat the actions. The inflorescence of lavender should have nine buds. A little lower on the leg is attached a leaf, one below it.

The length of the branch is about fourteencentimeters, excess wire must be cut off. Inflorescences need to be straightened and the stem of each twig obtained, adhering to the color scheme of beads, is wrapped with a tape tape.

And in the end we put our bunch of lavender in a vase and give it to a dear person.

Happy holidays, friends!