Now, probably, there is not a single person onearth, which would not have heard about the technique of weaving beads. This art was mastered more than 5,000 years ago. Then our ancestors made skillful necklaces from small balls that resemble today's beads so much. Later, in some cultures, they embroidered tapestries and used in sculptures. Also, beads were used for religious rites and made of them amulets.
Gradually weaving beads from folkcreativity has become a mass hobby, because not only is this an interesting occupation, it also results in beautiful and useful things. You can create jewelry, wallets and bags, crafts and keychains of beads. Weaving schemes are now available and quite common. And the variety of products that can be created simply amazes and prompts to master this technique more quickly. Learn better on small items. Try weaving keychains of beads. Schemes for beginners are pretty simple and straightforward. Dare! We are sure that you will succeed!
Schemes of weaving key fobs of beads
Today we will try to do togetherstrawberry trinkets. They look pretty cute and attractive. In addition, these are such keychains of beads, the schemes of which, in principle, belong to one of the simplest and most understandable. And they use several weaving techniques that will help you in the future to make serious and labor-intensive products. Do not immediately try to take on large, heavy on the technique of execution of keychains of beads, the schemes of which are so complicated that you only lose your time trying to understand them. Approach the issue of learning gradually, each time trying to make more and more complex products.
Strawberry trinket
Для ее изготовления нам понадобятся некоторые materials. To the strawberry does not lose shape, you will need a wooden blank, in shape and size similar to a quail egg. You also need a string (you can use a fishing line for reliability) with a needle and a handful of beads of four colors: bright scarlet for the berries, dark and light green for the leaves, white for inserts. The weaving technique here is this: first we make a belt - this will be the middle part of our strawberry, and then we attach top and bottom to it. The belt is woven with the usual 3x3 mesh, and the tops - with mosaic technology in a circle.