/ / How to play cards? We'll find out!

How to play cards? We'll find out!

How to learn to play cards?Sooner or later, almost everyone will ask this question. After all, this kind of fun not only helps to pass the time, but also gives you the opportunity to have fun and even earn extra money.

how to play cards

So, how to play cards? As you understand, there are many games, but they have different rules. Therefore, we will consider some of the most popular. To be clear, we'll tell you some basics.


How to play cards without knowing the suit?No, that's why we'll talk about this now. There are decks in thirty-six cards and fifty-two. For some games, both fit. In any deck there are cards of four suits: peaks, worms, diamonds and clubs.


So, how to play the fool? You need ordinary maps. You can use plastic. There are such cards in the deck:

  • Ace is the biggest card, it beats all the cards of its suit.
  • King.
  • Lady.
  • Knave.
  • Ten.
  • Nine.
  • Eight.
  • Seven.
  • Six.

If a deck of 52 cards, then there is still:joker, five, four, three and two. As you understand, in the game of a fool, a card of higher rank beats a smaller card (for example, a lady is a six). In addition, there are trump cards, but we'll talk about this a little later.

So, how to play cards in a fool?For such fun, we will have a deck of thirty-six cards and fifty-two cards. The deck is shuffled. After that, all participating people are dealt six cards. In the center of the table is put a deck, but before that one card is pulled out from the middle - its suit will stand for a trump card. And what does this term mean? The trump card is the suit that beats all other cards of any suit, and its own - only lower in rank.

how to play the fool card

The first release - five cards, the next - six.The first to go is the one who has the smallest trump card. If a person has nothing to beat, then he picks up. During the whole game, all players must have at least six cards. What if they have three or four? Take from the deck. When it is over, then play with the amount that is available. The winner is the one who will not have a single card. That's such a simple fun.

How to play cards?

"Mafia" is a game for a cheerful friendly company of eight or ten people.

The first thing you need to do is choose the leader.He will not vote. His duties - to monitor what is happening and to voice the actions of the players. The next step - everyone is divided into civilians and the mafia. You can do this with the help of the same playing cards. They are distributed - to whom who is caught, so he will be. Mafia in the game should be from two to five people, depending on the number of players.

For this game you can use both special "Mafia" cards and regular ones. If you chose the second option, then designate the characters. By the way, what are they?

how to play mafia cards

The Mafia pretends to be civilians by day, and at night they kill the townspeople. Note that all the mafia are familiar.

Peaceful citizens play in the daytime, at night they sleep. Until the end of the game they do not know who is sitting next - a member of the Mafia or a peaceful person.

Doctor - plays for the peaceful, can cure that,who tries to kill the mafia at night, though, if he guesses. If the doctor "promazhet", the death of the peace will be inevitable. He has the right to treat himself only once.

Commissar - plays for civilians. At night, he can check the player. If he guessed the mafia, the leader informs all citizens about this. If not, then everyone is also told about this.

Mistress - playing for the peace, can save a citizen, spending the night with him.

Let's call the characters

For example, the mafia will be kings, the mistress - the lady of hearts, the doctor - jack peak, the commissar - the ace, and the peaceful citizens - six. For the game, you only need these cards, and the others - drop them.

The essence of the game

On the first day, all residents expressthe assumption of who the mafia is. Expressing your opinion, you should be careful. When the assumptions are made, the presenter repeats those to whom the suspicion has fallen. Before the start of voting, each player says why he chose this character. Then comes the vote, according to the results of which one person is executed. Who will he be? Players will find out after the vote. The executed man shows a card showing who he is.

how to learn to play cards

Then comes night.The presenter says: "Night has come, everyone is falling asleep, the mafia is waking up." The mafia opens her eyes, gets to know each other, and then decides to kill whom to kill. When the final choice is made, the presenter says "The Mafia falls asleep, the mistress wakes up." The lady wakes up, does her business. The presenter then says: "The mistress falls asleep, the doctor wakes up." The doctor decides who to treat, then closes his eyes. The presenter says: "The doctor falls asleep, the commissioner wakes up." The policeman must check one player and close his eyes again. After that, the presenter says: "The Commissioner falls asleep, civilians wake up, the dead do not wake up." If a doctor or mistress could save a person from death, then this is notified. The next character, mentioned by the presenter, is the commissar. If the commissioner guessed, then during the day's voting he tries to help the peaceful to understand who is who. The game continues in such a plot until all civilians or mafia perish.


Now you know how to play cards. This means that you will have something to do with your friends. After all, you know how to play and fool, and in the "Mafia." More victories to you!