Dota 2 is the continuation of the first of its kindgame cards "on hold and breakthrough" from the developer IceFrog, which for the first time gained wide popularity even on the engine from Blizzard to the strategy "WarCraft III". Later, the card was turned into an independent game by Valve, and now anyone can play Dota 2, without installing Warcraft, simply in the Steam game service system. Of course, the very fact that Dota turned into an independent game caused a lot of controversy, but on the whole it was accepted favorably. So what is Dota 2, how to play and under what sauce to serve, you will know all this very soon. Do not forget to buy elixirs!

The first steps to mastering Dota 2, how to start playing, or “Yo-ho-ho! And a couple of pirated programs "

The alternative is to download other programs.Garena or Hamachi, which duplicate the functions of Steam, but at the same time are not allowed. There is also a little trick that can be used to play quite legally. The fact is that in the first days of Dota 2, the game was sent out by two or three copies to different players registered in Steam, who now sell these same copies of the game for 5-10 rubles each, and no tricks with pirated programs are needed!
Ready to fight!

Ещё одна простая хитрость заключается в том, что description of all the characters, as well as items, you can find in the public domain on the Web, and before embarking on the game for a particular character, you can get acquainted in detail not only with his skills, but also with the tactics of the game, as well as additional tips.
That's all the secrets of installing Dota 2!How to start playing, you already know, and the rest 80% of success is your personal perseverance and desire to win over the enemy. Do not be afraid to experiment, play freely and for your own pleasure, and after a couple of days you will feel confident and willing to show that you are no worse, but much better than the rest, and Dota 2 will give you that opportunity!