/ Knit children's things knitting: diagrams, descriptions, recommendations and reviews. Knitted baby items knitting needles for girls

Knit children's things with knitting needles: schemes, description, recommendations and feedback. Knitted baby things with knitting needles for girls

Для того чтобы вязать детские вещи спицами, the craftswoman needs quite a bit of time and materials. The beauty of such projects is that they can be implemented very quickly, and they do not have time to get bored.

Often knitted children's things (knitting) forgirls are a smaller copy of women's wardrobe items. Therefore, mothers may well use their favorite models in order to dress babies. However, it is necessary to sweat in the process of changing the scale and calculation of the product.

knit children's things with needles

What yarn to choose for children's things

Opting for quality materialsis key when it comes to knitting for children. If the product is intended to warm the baby, then the yarn must contain at least 40% wool, angora or mohair. The stores can offer material labeled "Baby" and 100% composed of acrylic. Do not be tempted by such cheap decisions, the child will either freeze or sweat. Synthetics are not suitable for making clothes, it can only be used for knitting toys, pillows and other decorative items.

Knit baby clothes (warm) is bestfrom merino, alpaca or sheep wool. To reduce the cost of yarn manufacturers add to the material acrylic (where is it without him), cotton, flax or bamboo. When buying threads, you should focus on the composition, as well as on the appearance:

  • Stiffness (should not be barbed).
  • Twisting density (the tighter it is twisted, the better).
  • The quality of the thread itself and its color (without thin or too wide areas, nodules, pale or faded spots).

What we knit?

With the help of knitting needles and yarn, you can create almost any piece of clothing: sweater, sweater, pullover, pants, skirt, dress and much more.

It so happened that most often knit childrenneedles things, schemes which we provide in the article, skilled workers prefer for the upper body. Therefore, designers are constantly developing a huge number of different models, combining and mixing all sorts of details, patterns, ornaments and patterns.

This article suggests knitted children's items with knitting needles for girls and boys: a jacket, pullover, and a poncho with a hood.

How to tie a jacket with a jacquard yoke

To run this model, basicknitting skills. The main pattern - the front surface, the gum - 2x2. In fact, if the patterns of the patterns consist only of facial loops, then knitting children's items with knitting needles is much easier than, for example, openwork canvases. The figure below shows drawings of patterns for children of different ages.

knitted baby items knitting needles for girls

The scheme for knitting a jacquard pattern is also developed in two versions (for a small and large size sweater).

knit baby things

Work starts from below:

  1. Dial loops for the manufacture of parts of the back and knit 5-6 cm with an elastic band.
  2. Next, go to the front surface and continue to work until they reach the armhole.
  3. Here, open loops are transferred onto a thick thread and lay the part.
  4. Begin to manufacture shelves and sleeves. They are also connected to the armhole and stopped.
  5. On the circular needles dial the loops of all the details in the right order: left shelf, left sleeve, back, right sleeve, right shelf.
  6. Knit yoke under the scheme, in time performing the reduction of loops.
  7. Dial loops along the side edge of the shelves and knit slats. Holes are made on the left side (button loops).
  8. Gather loops along the neckline and knit a collar.

At the last stage, all parts are stitched, buttons are attached and the product is stripped.

schematic symbols

How to knit children's things: the original cape

This hooded poncho comes in handy during off-season periods when the weather is unpredictable and can change dramatically throughout the day.

knit children's things with knitting needles with diagrams

Although the ornament looks prettycomplicated, its extremely easy to knit. Here you need to know only the principles of the formation of facial and purl loops, since the pattern is just a combination of them. Difficulties may arise in the manufacture of "cones." These elements can be crocheted separately and sewn or as follows:

  • Knit one loop face.
  • Turn over work, knit this loop purl.
  • Turn the work again and repeat paragraph 1 and 2.
  • Return to knitting the rest of the row.

In other words, every "bump" without takingthread, you need to connect separately with straight and return rows (consisting of one loop), and then continue to work on the rest of the series. At the same time, the resulting volume fragment is folded in half and transformed into a "knob". If the craftswoman works as thin threads, this element can include not one, but more loops. For example, three or four.

On the circular needles dial the number of loops calculated in advance and knit the pattern according to the scheme.

poncho pattern

It includes icons meaning loops have been cut. This is necessary to get the poncho the correct form.

poncho pattern

When the main part is completed, you should knit a row, alternating nakid with two loops, knitted together. There will be holes for the lace.

Making hood

Then the craftswoman need to determine where the beginning of the hood will be. From this place one should proceed to the implementation of direct and return rows, rather than circular ones.

Detail of the hood knit pattern "rice":

  • 1st and 2nd row: 1 front, 1 purl;
  • 3rd and 4th row: 1 purl, 1 front.

Such a simple ornament allows you to get a three-dimensional and beautiful canvas. At the desired height, the hood is folded in half and sewn with a knitted stitch.

You can knit children's clothes as described.knitting needles for kids of all ages. To lengthen the poncho, it is worth adding one or two strips of the pattern below (you can choose any ornament from those shown in the diagram). Then continue with the instructions.

Knit children's clothes with knitting patterns: pirate pullover

The latest model is designed for boys, but may well be suitable for those girls who love pirated stories.

knit baby things knitting scheme
The main decor is the famous Jolly Roger corsair flag. Its scheme is shown below.
Pattern and pattern for knitting a sweater

Перед началом работы следует сделать выкройки в life size and in the process of knitting often apply detail to them. When there is a good, correct drawing and an interesting pattern, knitting children's things with knitting is a pleasure!