/ / Pattern "Kukuruzka" knitting needles: the scheme is simple and effective

Pattern "Corn" with knitting needles: the scheme is simple and effective

Knitters know that in any one they makeproduct pattern is the main element. But before finally dwelling on something, it is necessary to take into account all the complexities of the process and the skills that the craftswoman has. One of the most beautiful, comfortable and simple is the pattern "Corn" knitting needles. The scheme will tell you how to properly distribute dialed loops. In another way, this pattern is called "knots" or "hedgehogs." Indeed, the resulting thing justifies the name.

Briefly about the pattern ...

The knitting pattern “Corn” has one distinctive feature - it has an interesting texture: it is smooth from the front, and from the back it looks like small grains.

pattern corn knitting pattern

By the way, this pattern is usually used the other way around - the volumetric side always looks outward. Thanks to this turn, things related to them look just fine.

Where to apply?

It is suitable for knitting hats, sweaters, evencardigans, because such a pattern is able to keep its shape, while remaining very soft to the touch. Things that are connected by this pattern are very warm, because the canvas becomes more voluminous due to air elements. Consequently, the body temperature will be better preserved. It is quite dense, so the pattern of "Corn" knitting needles (the diagram will be provided in this article) is often chosen to knit blankets or decorative pillows.

Choosing a yarn for a pattern

To work on this pattern is necessary correctly.choose yarn. It is necessary to pay attention to its composition and thickness of the thread. Indeed, in the event of an error, the drawing will not be so clear. Those skilled workers who are just beginning to “make friends” with knitting needles and yarn are best to choose the average thickness of the threads.

So, the pattern of knitting "Corn", the scheme to which explains in detail the entire sequence of knitting.

knitting pattern corn

Threads that are suitable for knitting with this pattern:

  • wool - work with this yarn will have an excellent effect on ready-made sweaters, sweaters;
  • wool - despite the fact that here about half of the constituent is synthetic, it also fits;
  • acrylic - they are perfect for this pattern, especially if they are used to work on children's things, socks, slippers and even small purses;
  • cashmere and merino is a yarn for work on designer clothes.

The first version of knitting

Knitting pattern "Corn" fit like that.On the needles dialed an even number of loops. As a rule, use Italian or regular loops. Each row will consist of purl, face and nakida loops.

First row.In order to get a full-fledged element, it is necessary to remove the extreme loop, then knit the front of the front wall. The next loop is a purl. Similarly, it is necessary to knit to the end of the row. The last element should be a purl. Secured the entire range of edge. As a result, this series looks like a rubber band.

Second row. It also begins with the edge. Then - facial eyelet. Next - purl with nakidy. So you need to knit until the end, and the last will be the edge loop.

knitting pattern maize pattern

Third row Hem loop.Then on the next loop with a double crochet, take another double crochet and remove. At the same time on the right knitting needle is not necessary. To make a second nakid, you should throw a thread of yarn from the outside of the future product. After make a purl loop. This series should end exactly in this order.

Fourth row.Begins, as the previous ones, with the edge loop. Then you need to bind the front of the front wall. Now take the next element with two naquids and knit a purl loop. It is necessary to look very carefully in order to capture all three strings in this loop. Otherwise, there will be a hole in the product.

Fifth row This will be the repetition of the first. After every fourth row it is necessary to repeat all the knitting.

Hint. This is really interesting knitting.The “Corn” pattern (the schemes for it are quite understandable) is not so complicated, it is only necessary to observe the tension of the yarn. It should not be very strong or weak. Also, you should not allow sagging threads. If you do not take into account these simple rules, you will not get a beautiful picture.

The second version of knitting

In this diagram, there are only four rows and each starts with a hem loop. Pattern "Corn" knitting needles (scheme only confirms the simplicity of the work) will give an idea of ​​how interesting the finished product will be.

The first row.First comes the same edge loop. The next knit loop can be done in two ways: first, the front one, grasping the front wall, and then the purl back. Now knit the front loop over the front wall and remove the loop from the left knitting needle. The next three loops need to be tied together. The end of the series - edge.

Second row. It should be knitted with purl loops. And at the beginning and end of this row are edge loops.

Third row First edge loop.Then, of the three of them, you need to knit three loops, without removing them from the knitting needles, in the same way as in the first row (but in that case there was only one loop). Three loops that turned out as a result of knitting, knit purl.

knitting pattern corn scheme

Fourth row. It is very simple and you need to perform it only with purl loops. Of course, the first and last loops of the series are edging. Then all the rows are repeated until the end of knitting.

This option will be a little more voluminous than the one described earlier.

And this is how the knitting pattern “Corn” is knitted. The scheme is very simple and clear, the main thing - to comply with all recommendations.