/ / Everyone should know the name of the pieces in chess

Everyone should know the name of chess pieces

Many spend their free time playingchess. People of all ages play this game enthusiastically. With knowledge of the rules of the game and drawing up a certain strategy of moves, the pleasure of winning will not be long in coming. However, first you need to familiarize yourself with the rules, find out the name of the pieces in chess.

History of chess

The game of chess was invented by the Indians in the VI century BC. er In the deep past, chess was called differently. Chaturanga is the meaning of the “Four Troops”.

The game was very much like modern chess,however, there were certain differences. The board on which the game itself took place also consisted of 8x8 cells, but only their color was one. The board was divided into two colors much later, already in Europe. How many pieces in chess in our time, so much was at that time.

The name of the figures in chess
But the main difference between ancient chess wasthe number of participants in the game. Four people took part in the game. And each exhibited separately his "army" in a certain corner on the game board. Instead of the king, there was Raj, the pawns were infantry, the cavalry, respectively, consisted of horses, and the army included elephants and a chariot from the rook. The figures had four colors: red, yellow, green and black. The players took turns throwing the dice, which determined which piece would produce the turn. If a unit fell out - the move was a pawn, a deuce - a knight, the number three signified the move of the rook, four - the bishop, five and six meant the move of the king. The queen, she is the queen, was absent in chess. The game ended when all the enemy pieces were eliminated.

Game evolution

How many pieces in chess

From sunny India, chess eventually beganto deliver in other countries. So, the Chinese called chess "syantsi", the Japanese - "shogi", the inhabitants of Thailand - "makruk". Only in Persia, the current name of chess took its beginning. The Arabs called their ruler a shah, and therefore the chess king was so named.

Changed the rules and names, there was an evolutionchess Abandoned the dice, and the number of players decreased to two people. The color of the figures became traditionally black and white. The name of the figures in chess remained unchanged. Some of the chess pieces have changed the name. So, Raja became a Shah. Since there were two kings, one of them was taken to weaken and make a queen. Also, the Persians introduced the final result of the game - mate to the king. In Persian, the word chess means "Shah is dead."

The long journey was a game until I got toRus. Chess came to us not from Europe. It is believed that chess was brought to Russia by the Tajiks in the 9th century BC. That is why the names of chess pieces are translated literally from Arabic and Persian. And already in the XI century, the rules of the game of chess reached Russia.

Chess set

To play chess you need a chessboard, which is divided into 64 squares, having two colors: black and white.

Figures in chess photo
Horizontal and vertical fields have their ownnotation. Horizontally, these are numbers from one to eight, and vertically - letters from A to H, thus each field has coordinates. How many pieces in chess? Each player on the field must have two rooks, a pair of horses, two bishops, eight pawns, a queen and a king. In total, there are 32 pieces in chess, which the rivals divide in half. Further - in more detail about chess pieces.


In Arabic, the king sounds like “al shah” and in translation from Persian means the king, but in other languages ​​the meaning of the figure is the most dominant.

Queen in chess
This is a very weighty and significant figure in chess.Chess king, despite its importance, can move only one cell, but in any direction. This figure is vulnerable without the protection of other figures. Actually, the whole essence of the game consists in protecting the king from the direct moves of other chess pieces. The threat to the overt king in chess is called “check”. In Russia, the figure is designated “Cr”, and in the international system - “K”.

Queen in chess - the second strong figure after the king

In Arabic, the word "al-Firzan" means "scientist."But there are other assumptions, among which the word means “sage”, “commander”, etc. In the 15th century, the queen appeared in Europe already with new possibilities, now the figure could walk at different distances along all the diagonals and lines on the chessboard. Designate the queen with the letter "F". "Q" is the queen in the international system. In many countries, the queen is called the queen.

Rook and Elephant, they are the same tour and officer

horse in chess
Rook in the distant past served aschariots, and it was depicted in the form of harnessed horses. They called this chariot "ruh". In Arabic, "al-roh" means "tower." Hence the appearance of the figure. It moves across the field only horizontally or vertically, located along the extreme fields of the chessboard. Designate this figure in Russia with the capital letter “L”, and in Europe - with the letter “R”.

The name of the pieces in chess does not always matchtheir appearance. So, for example, an elephant's chess piece used to really look like a battle elephant, but over time it began to be portrayed as a person. Legend: we have this “C”, abroad “B”. An elephant walks only diagonally in its color, a player has one elephant on a white diagonal, and the second on a black one.

Horse in chess

Данная фигура действительно выглядит как конь.Al-Faras in Arabic is a rider. Once this figure had a rider, but over time it was removed. The knight's move can be made only in the form of the Russian letter “G”, that is, two cells are straight and one to the side. Record the horse of the Russian "K" and the English "N". This is the only figure that can move not along a straight path and jump over the figures, your own and your opponent.

Foot soldiers

A pawn is the only piece that doesn’tis recorded and has such a significant number on the playing field. Al-Bazak, translated from Arabic, is an infantryman. A pawn can only make moves forward one square.

The figures in chess, photos of which are present in this article, will help to become more familiar with the exciting chess world.