/ / What are the types of figures in women?

What types of figures can women have?

Female figure...How many songs about her are sung, how many poems have been written, how much effort has been put by the women themselves to have a figure! If we approach this issue from a different, physiological, side, then today from the whole variety such types of women can be distinguished: rectangle, triangle (pear), circle (apple) and hourglass. Moreover, studies have shown that the types of figures in women and their characters are closely interrelated with each other. It is worth considering in more detail each of the listed types of female figures.

Types of figures in women

Types of figures in women: "rectangle"

A distinctive feature in this case arestraight lines of shoulders and hips, flat stomach and not quite big butt. The nature of girls with this type of figure is as follows: they only care about themselves and what other people think about them. Moreover, such women are completely inattentive to the feelings of others. Owners of a rectangular shape are very hardy, decisive and always aware of what they expect from life. Usually they focus on work. And like executive positions. If you are a kind and sensitive man with great imagination, you can win the heart of such a woman.

Types of figures in women: "triangle"

In women with the figure of "triangle" (pear)small shoulders and chest, but big hips. Two types can be attributed to this type - sporty (women with shoulders inflated) and teenage. With all the difference they are united by a strong desire to win. Such women are harsh, do not overly burden themselves with caring and do not worry too much about what others think about them. Most often work with securities, in cardiac surgery, with finances and lawyers. Able to sacrifice a family for a career.

Types of women's figures

Types of figures in women: "apple"

A distinctive feature of the figure "apple" (circle)serves as a magnificent chest, rounded shoulders and volume in the abdomen. In the nature of the "apple" there is the fear of offending anyone from friends, the love of creative work, femininity and heightened intuition. Such women always listen to the opinions of others. In life, preference is given to love and devotion. In order to please her, you need to be courageous, confident and reliable.

Types of figures in women: "hourglass"

Distinguished women with an hourglass figure shoulders andthighs the same width and pronounced waist. Such women also have good intuition, attentiveness and care. Hourglass can be well integrated into the team. But at the same time they create the effect of intima. Many would like to see such women in the role of leaders. A special place in life is love and work. The family is in the first place.

How to determine the type of woman's figure

How to determine the type of woman's figure?

As you can see, there are differences at all.And if you do not know how to determine the type of figure in a particular woman, it is enough just to look at her more carefully, to communicate and compare with the above characteristics. Then everything will be immediately clear. You can compare both by the figure itself and by character. But the figure in this question can give a more accurate answer.