/ How to make a flower crocheted? The scheme

How to make a flower crocheted? The scheme

Do you want to decorate your hat or blouse?Need to update a thing from the wardrobe? Make a flower crocheted. The scheme for performing such a decor is simple. Look at the different options, choose the sample you like. When you understand the principle of creating these objects, you can come up with your models.

flower crocheted pattern

Pleasant handicrafts

In order to learn how to knit crochet flowers, do notit will take a lot of time and effort. Each product is small, so it's done quickly. When you understand the principle of work and the speed appears, you can easily perform several dozen elements at a time.

It is worthwhile to learn different options and ways to createcolors. Some products are knitted in one piece in a circle, the other - first in the form of an openwork band, which later is going to spiral and secured with string. Complex volumetric ornaments are made from individual parts that are sewn together. Mastering all the techniques will significantly diversify the assortment of what you can do.

flower crocheted pattern

Openwork flowers crocheted (diagrams)

If you are still inexperienced in this kind of needlework,It is worth starting with simple options. It is better to use the samples. You can practice on threads of the same color, see the density of binding. When the first samples are ready, proceed to more complex patterns.

flower crocheted pattern

How to make a flower crocheted?The scheme usually has standard conventions. Remembering them is easy. In the form of an oval, an air loop is depicted. A stick is a column without a crochet, a crossed out stick, once with a crochet, with two crochets designate a column with two crochets, a cross-half-loop or a lifting loop. This is the main thing that you need to perform the colors. Any knitting in a circle begins with a set of air loops, and then the work follows the pattern.

Below are diagrams of simple openwork colors that are located in the same plane. Using combinations of yarn of different shades, you can get beautiful decorative elements.

openwork flowers crocheted patterns

To make a stylized daisy with elongated petals, use the following scheme.

flower crocheted pattern

We knit three-dimensional flowers by crochet (scheme)

A lot of joy delivers such needlework.Beautifully look any flowers crocheted. Schemes of roses, narcissus, chamomile or abstract flower can be invented by themselves, focusing on the natural form and their skills in knitting techniques.

Below are diagrams of three-dimensional colors. In the first and second cases (an illustration with light products), convexity is obtained due to the way of knitting, patterning.

knit three-dimensional flowers crochet scheme

What can be decorated with such elements?

Do you like to update things? Looking for new ideas? To decorate various items of clothing, accessories, use a flower crocheted. The scheme of work will be as follows:

  1. Choose the yarn of the shade suitable for your thing (contrasting or in tone).
  2. For any sample, you produce a flat or three-dimensional product in the required number of copies.
  3. Take what you decorate, and sew the elements.
  4. In addition, use beads, buttons, knitted leaves, cords.

flowers crocheted rose patterns

Crocheted flowers are used for decorating the following things:

  • scarves;
  • hats;
  • sweaters;
  • dresses;
  • children's clothing, pinets, socks, shoes, panamok;
  • bags;
  • interior dolls and soft toys;
  • covers and covers for furniture.

flower crocheted pattern

You can use these bright decorations forcurtains and curtain magnets. And also for original wall clocks, tied boxes, containers, gift wraps, frames for photos and mirrors. Application can be found in a wide variety.

What accessories can be made from knitted flowers?

In addition to decorating ready-made items and updating existing ones, from associated colors, you can come up with many ideas for beautiful accessories and souvenirs for the interior and even make garments.

If you liked crochet flowers andit would be desirable to try all schemes and variants, and in different color combinations, do them not only in pleasure, but also with advantage. From several colors or a lot of them you can do the following:

  • scarf;
  • belt;
  • suspension on the neck, brooch, bracelet and even earrings;

flower crocheted pattern

  • hoop and hairpins;
  • vest;
  • top or blouse;
  • napkin, tablecloth;
  • a three-dimensional decoration in a vase for the interior;

flower crocheted pattern

  • a panel on the wall.

Everything is limited by your imagination and patience.For large things (such as blouses), it is better to choose such variations of colors that are easily connected to the canvas in the form of a picture. For small accessories, use any combination.

You have learned how a flower crocheted is made.Scheme of any of the presented options is available for understanding and use. If you are a beginner, choose the easiest option. The most ordinary petals, made in a beautiful color combination, will look stylish and effective.