Most of the fair sexat least once in their lives they thought about creating something hand-made. Perhaps it should be a scarf, napkin or just flowers crocheted. However, those who managed to implement their idea, not so much. The main problem for beginners is that they choose too complex or voluminous projects and, having worked for two or three hours, are very tired and disappointed in crochet.

Before starting work
If we approach the search for a model, judiciously estimatingown strengths and skills, then in a few hours you can enjoy the first ready-made work. Experienced knitters recommend mastering one simple motif and using it to create a small shawl, scarf or just a brooch on a dress or bag. The best option in this case is an untied flower crochet. The layout of each model will differ, but there are common points in them. Firstly, a beginner skilled worker will be able to get used to her hook and pick up a suitable thread size. Secondly, having mastered this motive and simply replacing the yarn with a thicker one, you can create large models of rugs and tracks very quickly. To link the flowers with a crochet, it does not take much time or thread, you just need to choose the appropriate scheme and have patience on the first twenty of the most complex loops.
What kind of knit plant?
The most common models arered and pink poppies, tender daisies and exotic Hawaiian plants. The latter option has already captured its niche not only in amateur knitting - many professional designers use crocheted mottled flowers to create their exclusive brooches, necklaces and hats for movie stars and glamorous bohemians.

If you want to create a motley cloak, gentlea napkin made of thin threads or causing a brooch, to calculate the total time of work it is necessary to relate first one motive. Then you can simply multiply the received minutes or hours by the total number of elements. To tie the Hawaiian flowers with a crochet, you need to choose two or three contrasting tones of suitable yarn. It is better if the thread is not shaggy, otherwise the whole beauty of the clarity of the lines can get lost. The hook is selected according to the thickness of the yarn.
Hawaiian motifs in knitting
The crochet crochet pattern uses the following abbreviations:
- VP - the usual single air loop;
- SbN - a column tied without a crochet;
- PSN - a simple semicolumn with one cuff;
- Cc2H - single column with two crochets;
- CC - a simple connecting column.

Description of the motif "Hawaiian flowers"

- We take the first color of the thread. 8 VP, then SS in 1 VP to form a ring.
- 1 VP for lifting to the level, 12 СбН in the received ring, then СС in the first СНН.
- Tie a new yarn color to any of the SbNsof the previous series. 1 VP, then CbH in the same loop, * one CbH in the next loop, 11 VP, one CbH in the same loop, 1 CbH in the next, 1 VP, 1 CbH in the next *. Repeat from the sprocket to the sprocket to the end of the row, not tying the last SbN. Instead, it is necessary to make the SS in the very first time.
- We knit the same color.* 18 Сс2Н we are tying in the resulting arch of 11 VP, then SS in the arched circle of the previous row, which was obtained from 1 VP *. We repeat everything to the last petal and finish the series with one SS.
- We attach a new thread.* 9 СНН, starting from the center of the element's side, further 3 ВП and back, towards the center of the motif 9 СбН, we sew 1 СНН * to the arch of the second row consisting of 1 ВП. Repeat until the end and at the beginning of the series makes one SS.