/ / Salt dough: entertainment and art

Salt dough: entertainment and art

Salty dough is so muchuniversal occupation that they can be carried away by both a child and an adult. Working with this material has all the advantages of modeling, and additional benefits associated with the environmental safety of the test. You can sculpt out of it even for children up to a year: a sea of ​​pleasure and no risk.

How to prepare the dough

Salt dough impliespreparation of working material at home. There is nothing difficult in this: the proportions of flour and water are 1: 1, it is better to take large salt, it will create the impression of transparent inclusions gleaming in the light. Even being painted, such products retain this effect. Although, if you are going to perform a fine artistic work, then such grains will be distracting - in this case, use fine salt. When mixing it with flour, do not forget that flour is two times easier, therefore the volume of flour used is twice the volume of fine salt, although the weight of these ingredients is equal.

How much to pour water?The classic recipe contains a recommendation to add 1 part, but it is better to focus on the type of test: it should be well molded, but not spread. One teaspoon of vegetable oil will add a mixture of elasticity and prevent the finished product from cracking.

For the little ones: salt dough fish

Salt dough develops finemotor skills, voluntary attention and creative abilities of the child, soothes the nervous system and gives adults the reason to escape from their business and just talk with the crumbs. For a small child, tactile sensations are very important, therefore modeling is an excellent occupation.

Try to create fish from salt dough.This is a simple figure that any baby can do, especially with the sensitive help of parents. Bake the finished figure in the oven at the smallest temperature until a slight blush appears. Be sure to cool the figure before giving it to the child for further work.

Gouache fits perfectly on salted dough, after it dries, you can coat the fish with colorless nail polish or hair so that it does not leave color marks on your fingers.

Interior decoration - salt dough wood

If for children the modeling of salt dough is, above all, entertainment, then for real masters it can turn into art.

Knead the dough with fine salt, paint two thirdsusing cocoa or brown gouache, and leave a third white. On a foil for baking, lay out the trunk of brown sausages, giving it relief with longitudinal furrows (work in a stack). From the trunk up lay the branches. Now crown. It is made of long white and brown sausages, which you need to lay out beautiful curls and loops to create the effect of continuity. Loops can intersect each other, overlap one another and be threaded into each other. The main thing is that there is no pile up of parts, and the crown should create a feeling of lightness. For this sausage must be really thin.

Finished work dry in the oven, and afterCooling coat with acrylic varnish. The colors will become brighter, and the tree will shine. Now the shape can be glued onto thick paper and pasted into the frame. A wonderful gift for friends or for your own home is ready.

Subtleties and tricks

So that the crafts will not crack during the drying phase,it is better to dry it in 3-4 stages with breaks. An hour in the oven on the very smallest fire the product dries, then 2-3 hours at room temperature. Turn the product over and repeat the process, and so 3 or 4 times, depending on the thickness of the dough. This applies to highly artistic things, children's crafts are possible and less - they will dry out later, after the final finishing.

Glue the figures to paper with the best gluePVA, the main thing is to wait for the final drying of the glue, and only then pick up the picture: the dough is heavy, the image can crawl if you do it ahead of time