/ / Pillow toy do-it-yourself. Master Class

Pillow-toy with your own hands. Master Class

Modern masters have long been consideredpillow as a subject necessary only for sleep. Today it is used to decorate the interior, can be presented as a funny souvenir and even used as a development tool for kids.

pillow toy do it yourself

In this article you will learn how to sew a pillow toy with your own hands.

Funny roller under the back

Pillow toy with his hands is very simple. Use our idea and surprise your baby with an original toy. To stitch a funny cat, you will need tools and materials:

  • Sewing machine.
  • Overlock
  • Multi-colored pieces of fabric (linen and cotton). One color should be primary, and therefore it should be more. The rest of the fabric should be combined with the main and the interior of your room.
  • The length of the working fabric is a coarse, double thread, or other fabric that does not stain with washing.
  • Filler for toys - sintepukh or sintepon.
  • Lightning.
  • Filler foam balls.
  • Buttons in the form of a nose and eyes.
  • Glue spider.
  • Scissors.
  • Bamboo stick for rolls.
    sew a pillow toy with your own hands

How to sew a cat: a master class

When you prepare everything you need for work, you can get down to business. The pillow toy is sewn with the hands as follows:

  • Prepare multi-colored pieces of fabric with a length of 45 centimeters and a width of 5 to 10 centimeters.
  • Lay the blanks together, then sew and iron them, ironing the seams to one side.
  • Take a piece of white calico and cut out of it a square larger than the colored blank, two centimeters on each side.
  • On the working surface of the table, first put a white base, then a sheet of padding polyester, and on top a multi-colored fabric.
  • Pin a sandwich across the surface in staggered pins.
  • Sew the fabric using decorative stitches.
  • Make a template of cardboard legs (6 x 12 cm) and tail (30 x 9 cm) on a bright cloth and circle four times (you should have two right and two left paws).
  • Pin the colored fabric to the white coarse calico with pins, then sew along the contour and cut with the help of figured scissors.
  • In addition to the filler, you can also put beads in the tail and legs for the development of fine motor skills of your child.
  • To make the ears, cut two 9-by-9 squares and fold them diagonally three times.
  • For the muzzle cut a bright circle of clothdiameter of 20 cm. And the same circle, but white, will be needed for the priests. Put the blanks on a white coarse calico and a sheet of padding polyester, and then quilted them on the sewing machine.
  • Next you need to finish the face - cut out the eyes, nose, tongue, mustache from the fabric, and then sew the prepared parts and ears.
  • Sew to the multicolored blank face, ass, paws and tail. To keep them better, do it a few times.
  • Cut the abdomen out of white fabric (12 by 45 centimeters), connect it with the body, not forgetting to sew a secret zipper between them.
  • Sew a cover - two circles (20 centimeters) and a rectangle (44 by 57 centimeters). Connect the parts, leaving a small hole. Inside, place any filler and sew up the cut outside.
  • Put the blank-roller inside the finished cat and close the zipper.

Now you can make your baby happy with a funny toy or surprise your friends with a great gift.

DIY toy pillow "Sheep"

lamb pillow toy DIY

The peculiarity of this cute thing is that it can be sewn not only on a typewriter, but also with the help of a simple needle. For its production you will need the following materials:

  • Artificial fur with the addition of 30% wool.
  • Felt.
  • Wool blend fabric.
  • Filler hypoallergenic holofiber "balls".
  • Set for embroidery with black threads.

How to sew a pillow: a master class

How to make a pillow toy with your own hands? You can read the instructions below:

  • Draw on paper (you can come up with a form yourself or on a sample) the following details - a rectangular body, legs, ears, head and tail.
  • Transfer the patterns to the fabric and cut to fit the seams. For the body and the tail, it is better to use fur, and the rest to be made of felt.
  • On the front side of the wool blend fabric, put the blanks of felt (also the front side). Then they should be flashed, leaving a hole for the filler, turn out and iron.
  • Paws and tail tamp in half, connect with the body. Sew the parts, fill the torso, and then sew it outside with hand stitches.
  • On the face with chalk, draw the eyes and nose, and then embroider them with black thread.

Stuffed toys

The pillow toy is ready with your own hands, and you can decorate the nursery with it.


We will be happy if you like to sew softtoy pillows do it yourself. You may first feel some difficulty due to lack of experience. However, soon the fascinating process will capture, and you immerse yourself in it with your head. Use our descriptions, add something new to them, do not be afraid to dream and introduce new elements.