Today it is very fashionable to have a smallartificial tree - topiary. This decor element is made in the form of a ball-shaped sculpture on a long leg. The crown of the topiary can be made from a variety of materials: paper, flowers, fruits, vegetables, coffee beans, cloth and even sweets. This tree in stores is not at all cheap. But it can be made by every person with their own hands at home. To do this, you only need to carefully study our master class "Topiary with your own hands", purchase all the necessary materials and devote an hour of your time to this cause. Believe me, you can perform yourself a beautiful and exclusive tree.
Topiary "Heart": master class

A tree in the form of a heart, made of whole grains of coffee, will appeal to all lovers of a fragrant drink. This tree will not only decorate the house, but also a source of unsurpassed flavor.
To create the topiary "Heart" will need these materials:
- coffee beans;
- gypsum;
- flower pot;
- Scotch tape;
- aluminum wire;
- thin foam;
- stones;
- satin ribbons;
- candle;
- glue gun;
- Acrylic paints;
- acrylic lacquer;
- glue.
To work turned out the first time, study carefully the further master class. Topiary with own hands from coffee beans (step by step instruction):
- From the wire twist the shape in the form of a heart with a leg. In the bottom, make a wire branch, in order to give the tree stability when attaching the product to the pot.
- Run from the wire twigs and screw them to the foot.
- The heart needs to be greased with glue and apply strips of foam rubber on it.
- Coat the product with adhesive tape and cover with acrylic paint brown.
- Lubricate each coffee bead with glue from the hot gun and attach it to the base, holding your fingers for a few seconds.
- Tap the topiary thread with glue and wrap tape.
- Gypsum diluted according to the instructions given on thepack, pour into a pot and put in it a topiary. For a few minutes, hold the tree until the contents of the container grasp. While the gypsum is not completely frozen, lay out pebbles on the surface of the pot.
- Zadekoriruyte branches and the outer side of the vase with ribbons.
So our master class ended.The topiary is executed by itself. If desired, you can make small hearts on twigs. Elements of decor can also be diversified: glue ornamental butterflies or artificial flowers, pebbles replaced with shells or sand.
How to make a tree with fruits?
Brightly, fun and very vividly look topiary fromfruit. The master class presented below will tell you how to perform such a tree. This product will bring bright colors and a note of freshness into the design of your home.

- ball of foam plastic;
- artificial fruits and flowers;
- sisal fiber;
- wooden stick;
- satin ribbons;
- plastic container;
- polystyrene (pieces);
- glue gun;
- colored paper or cloth flap;
- ornaments (butterflies, bows).
The sequence of making topiary from fruits:
- Fill the plastic container with crushed polystyrene up to half.
- Insert a wooden stick and pour it with gypsum.
- Spread ball with glue and string on stick.
- Ribbon to wrap the trunk of the future tree. Stick the tips on top and bottom of the trunk.
- Run the balls of sisal fiber (diameter 4 cm) and glue them all over the crown of the topiary.
- Decoration of a tree. Over the balls to glue artificial fruits, flowers, leaves, butterflies.
Plastic container to wrap with colored paper or cloth, decorate with ribbon, tie a bow.- Surface of gypsum should be sealed with a blue-colored fiber and glued on it a bird or butterfly.
Everything, a sweet and gentle tree is ready to decorate your home with you.
This and the previous master class "Topiary with his ownhands ", offered to your attention in our article, will help even novice masters to master the technique of performing artificial trees. This occupation is so fascinating that, having tried to do one tree by hand, soon you will be able to brag of their whole collection. Enjoy your creative work!