/ / DIY pillow pattern "rose" (photo)

Pattern of pillow "rose" with your own hands (photo)

Today there is a hugethe number of varieties of decorative pillows. What just do not get up masters their golden hands! And in this article we will consider the pattern of pillow "rose".

pattern pillow rose do it yourself
With your own hands, using our master class, you can create a very cute and stylish accessory to decorate your interior.

Which fabric to choose

Pillow "rose", whose master class will beconsidered, requires a certain type of fabric and quality. Matter is better to choose more dense. The so-called heavy fabric. If you use a light and thin canvas, then it will be difficult to work, and the proper effect will not work. Since the flower itself is quite beautiful and interesting, it is better to choose a monophonic material so that the attention is not distracted by the diversity of the fabric. Every detail of a flower has a back and a front that can be made from different materials. Of course, for the front of the need to use a more beautiful and expensive material, and for the wrong side, you can take the fabric worse.

What else is needed for work

In addition to the fabric, you still need padding.material. For example, batting or sintepukh. Also need a sewing machine, iron and scissors. In some places it may be necessary to make manual seams, so make sure you have needles and threads for the color of the material. Even for the center of the flower will need a plastic base. To this end, you can easily use a coffee cap or cut a circle of the desired diameter from the folder for files. Also need patterns. You can easily make a pattern of pillow "rose" with your own hands. Best of all, if you take the paper to freeze. But if there is no such, then the usual one will be fine.

Pillow "rose" with your own hands. Patterns step by step

For a flower you need only four different patterns. Two petal sizes and two leaf sizes.

pillow rose DIY patterns
Now about how to make a pillow "rose"do it yourself The patterns, the photos of which are presented in this article, should correspond to each other in proportion. It is very convenient to use freezing paper for them. Each pattern needs ten copies. What is good in this case, the paper for freezing? Well, firstly, you do not need to circle the same thing ten times. Drawn pattern pillows "rose" with his own hands reproduced in the right quantity on paper and cut. You simply lay out the details with the waxed side of the material and iron it. And then cut around the billet, retreating to allowances. And secondly, the use of such patterns allows you to most accurately decompose them on the material and thereby consume the fabric economically.

Open the fabric

Before cutting out all the details and applythem, the cloth needs to be ironed and folded in half or two parts together face to face. In order for the fabric not to move out in the process and you did not end up with the error of cutting, pin the material along the edge with pins.

pillow rose master class
So that without errors and distortionsdecorative pillow "rose", the pattern should be exactly laid and accurately cut. If you are using some old clothes for sewing, then it must be unpicked, remove all threads, wash and iron well. And only then lay out the details of the pattern on the fabric.

Sew leaves

Before us is a fully cut decorativepillow "rose". Pattern, we do not need. And start sewing leaves. We should have five big leaves and five small ones. Details need to be folded face to face and stitch. After that, the excess stock should be cut, cut the corner and make notches in convex and curved places. Leaves are not stuffed. Cutting the corner from the inside out is done so that on the front side the corner has a neat, clear shape. Turning the leaves, help yourself with a wooden stick. Just do it carefully so as not to damage the fabric or seams. After all the leaves are turned out, they must be well ironed. To give them a more interesting look, lay a line, departing from the edge of about 0.5 cm. If your sewing machine allows, choose a decorative line for this purpose.

Create petals

How is the pillow "rose" performed next?hands, patterns which were discussed above? She can not do without petals. In our version there are only ten. Five big and five small. Each petal consists of three identical parts: the upper and lower parts of the fabric, and the middle, which is located between them, from the batting. Although the petals, of course, you can sew from two parts and fill with filler. In the latter case, each petal will itself be voluminous, like a pillow.

 pillow rose DIY patterns step by step
Thinner petals, like leaves,scraped along the edge to give a volumetric effect. Now you need to collect two rings from the petals. One of the large petals, and the other - from the petals of a smaller size. To do this, lay two identical petals together and pin them with pins. If you are satisfied with everything in their form, then install the machine on the longest "zigzag" and stitch it in the place where they are most strongly in contact with each other. Perform such actions until all five petals close in one circle.
decorative pillow rose pattern
Затем то же самое проделайте с другими пятью petals. If your petals are not flat, but volumetric, then they should be collected in a slightly different way. First, a base of two circles of matter is created with a padding polyester or batting located between them. And then the petals of a larger size are pinned on this circle and are attached with the help of a typewriter. After which the second tier superimposed smaller petals, and the same is done with them. And in the original version, leaves are attached to the bottom of the large flower and between the petal rings. And now it is necessary that the sewn pillow "rose" should have gained a complete look with its own hands. Patterns that we have learned to do in this article, we should only add one more and execute the middle of the flower.

Center flower

You may have noticed that the pattern madepillow "rose" has no details for the middle of the flower. Now we will look at how to perform this middle in two ways. For flat and for volumetric flower. So, for a flat flower, it is proposed to make a woven core. To do this, take a square-shaped flap of fabric and draw a net with small square cells on the inside of it. Now in a checkered pattern, draw in the cells of the diagonal. In different rows of the diagonal draw in different directions. It now remains with a needle and thread to connect the edges of each diagonal.

pillow rose DIY patterns photo
On the front side, the fabric will look likebasket weaving. Now pull it all over the plastic blank and sew in or simply glue it in the middle of the flower. There is another variant of the middle part. This detail is a long but narrow rectangle. I can even say - the band. These strips of fabric should be cut two. We stretch them together, turn out and slightly fill with stuffing material. We need to stuff in such a way that this packing does not prevent us from folding this strip.
pillow rose DIY patterns
After the item is completed, it must be rolled up, giving it the shape of a rose and fixed manually with a needle and thread. Now this center should be placed in the center of our pillow and sewed by hand.

Well that's all.The wonderful pillow "rose", the master class of which we have examined, is ready to sit on your couch and delight not only you, but also your guests with your appearance. It will be quite an attractive part of the interior. All the fault of not quite the usual pattern pillows. Rose with her own hands from the fabric is not very difficult to create. Experiment with color and shape, and then your pillow will perfectly fit into absolutely any style of interior.