/ / "Cosmos" card from "Home Credit": reviews, conditions, advantages

Map "Cosmos" from "Home Credit": reviews, conditions, advantages

At present a number of banks are attracting attentionclient with their advanced, profitable products. It is this strategy that distinguishes "Home Credit". The terms of the "Cosmos" card from this bank look attractive. If you believe the reviews, the service is also on top. Is it worth it to trust your money to this bank? Especially for those interested - an overview of the debit card "Cosmos" of the bank "Home Credit".

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Reliable or not?

Some banking structures in a wide rangeconsumers do not doubt. For example, Sberbank seems to have always existed and will always exist. However, for reliability you have to pay: the rates for deposits are small, but for credit programs - more than impressive. There are several other large banks with state participation. The fact that they have invested in power allows you to trust the structures. But the benefit, as in the case of Sberbank, is minimal. But the terms of the "Cosmos" card from "Home Credit" are much more attractive, from the point of view of an ordinary client. On the other hand, the structure is much smaller in size, so not everyone is ready to invest in it the hard earned.

The benefits of the program of the map "Cosmos" from "Home Credit"is evident and detailed in the official website of the company. At high interest on the balance of funds the client gets access to a number of bonus offers. There is an opportunity to receive bonuses when shopping in some stores. The company provides completely free service for the first year. There will be no questions as to how to activate the "Cosmos" card "Home Credit": in reviews users unanimously point out that the service of this structure is on top. The help desk quickly and correctly answers any question, instructs and explains the features of the tariff grid.

Why and to whom?

As can be seen from the product summary, reviewsabout the map "Cosmos" from "Home Credit", when you connect premium rates, you get access to a number of special very profitable offers. In addition, customers have the opportunity to use a specific simplified payment system. A number of interesting, attractive opportunities are open to a wide range of people. As you can see from the reviews about the "Kosmos" card from "Home Credit", most of the clients of the structure highly appreciate these advantages and believe that they are worth cooperating with the banking structure.

The bank itself reports that the financial product wasIt is designed primarily for those who need a card for everyday use. As you can see from the reviews about the "Kosmos" card from "Home Credit", the product is optimal for use in a variety of shops, outlets, suitable for paying for services both in real stores and virtual ones. Provides a convenient personal cabinet, allowing you to keep the financial situation under control. At any time, users, as evidenced by feedback on the map of "Space" from "Home Credit", can resort to personal accounts, paying for any needs. Operations are quickly implemented, pass without fail. There is a well-thought-out system of monthly payments. As you can see from the reviews, replenishment of the "Kosmos" card "Home Credit" and transfer to settlement accounts of other individuals also do not represent difficulties. If you have any questions, technical support quickly answers all questions. For this purpose, the hot line of the Home Credit bank is designed.

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Profitable and reliable

As can be seen from the tariffs of the "Kosmos" card of "Home" bankCredit ", except for daily use, the product is also suitable for the accumulation of personal funds. A well thought-out program allows you to profitably store money, receiving a small percentage with an enviable regularity. The amount depends on how large the client accumulates.

Дополнительный доход обеспечивает также кэшбэк card "Cosmos" from "Home Credit". This is a relatively small benefit, determined by the amount of user waste. A specific program "Benefits" was developed. This is the cacheback card "Cosmos" from "Home Credit": almost a third of the amount spent can be returned back to the client. The proposal applies to a limited number of outlets, but their list is quite extensive. The offer is valid in several hundred partners of the bank. The amount of refund varies from store to store. Specify specific information on the hot line of the bank "Home Credit".

Everything for active life

As seen from the advertising campaign, the debit card"Cosmos" "Home Credit" was created primarily for active modern people. It is suitable for young people, middle-aged people - in a word, for those who have the most purchasing activity and are ready to invest their money wisely and profitably for themselves. At the same time, there are no restrictions. The owner of the Cosmos debit card Home Credit can be absolutely anyone who is interested in this.

If there is a balance on the card,accrued interest. The program operates in any case, regardless of how large the amount of the balance. The rules for accruing bonuses of the “Cosmos” “Home Credit” card are especially interesting for students, retirees who love to buy intelligently and profitably. Conditions are quite simple, so everyone can participate in the program. However, as can be seen from the statistical information, actively working people of young and middle age resort mainly to this map.

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If you pay attention to the program, in detailDescribing how to use the Home Credit card from Cosmos, you will notice that the greatest benefits are related to Platinum status. In this case, the client gets access to a number of specific privileges and can count on particularly large discounts. In addition, it is possible to use some of the best deals developed not by the bank, but by the Visa payment system. The service life of such a card is longer than any other bank for two years. The first year of service is free of charge. When this period expires, the use becomes paid, but for platinum debit card tariff plans are more than affordable. This is partially leveled by bonuses and discounts offered by partner stores to the Cosmos card from Home Credit.

Among other positive points of usecards - high limits on cash withdrawal. These indicators are higher than in the majority of similar offers of other banking structures. The card is available to users if they fulfill the conditions established in the banking program. They are quite simple, accessible to those whose income is average, so the map is generally optimal for the masses. The more interest is charged on the balance, the more at the end of the billing period on the money card. The first five times you can cash money from a card without a fee, even when using ATMs of other banks. This is really profitable, it allows you to quickly get the right amount without spending extra money.

For lovers to save and spend

Based on the above positive points,it is possible to understand why more and more recently there are those who want to know how to get a Home Credit card. Indeed, on condition of lucrative offers, the program seems extremely attractive. In addition, as the bank pays attention, if the user wants to cash a small amount from the card, the commission that he pays will be minimal. There are no restrictions on the lower limit - you can take exactly the amount that the cardholder needs. Money is given in rubles, the percentage for the service is not charged.

Special attention is given bonusprogram. Many partner stores on the Cosmos card from Home Credit give additional discounts, and some of the money spent is returned back to the user after a time period has passed. Cashback varies - it depends on the specific store, the current offer, and on the amount of the transaction. Nevertheless, such an opportunity is always a benefit. You can take advantage of it in several hundred stores, of which M.Video, L’Etoile, Daughters and Sons are the most visited.

Are there any disadvantages?

"Cosmos" from "Home Credit" isrelatively convenient financial proposal, but he is not alien to some shortcomings. In particular, the service using SMS messages will have to connect for money. Of course, the same Sberbank also charges for these services, but still, in most modern banks, the SMS package is provided free of charge. In addition, if it became necessary to transfer money from a bank to a bank, Home Credit will take a high percentage for such an operation. To do this, you have to go to the office, issue an order, only after that the transfer will be carried out.

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Еще один аспект – это порядок перевода баллов по card "Cosmos" from "Home Credit". The procedure is not easy, and for the first time it is better to use the help of the operator through the hotline so as not to make mistakes. This will allow you not to lose your profit and wisely use the offer, as they say, “in full”.

How to get?

As can be seen from the terms of service to getcard, you must contact the bank office. Here the user draws up the required papers under the service agreement, signs them personally, only after that the credit company includes him among the program participants. Through the website of the bank to place an order at the present time can not. To get a card, you need to come to the office "Home Credit" with your passport. Typically, the application is filled by a representative of the bank, and the user only signs on the application and indicates the date of filling in the documentation. This activates the release process and shows that the potential user of the service agrees to service rates. The procedure usually takes no more than ten minutes. However, as can be seen from the reviews of the banking structure, in many branches, especially at the end of the working day, you may face the problem of queues. When planning a trip to Home Credit, you should be prepared to spend at least half an hour in the office, as the queues are often delayed by 10-15 minutes.

Interacting with the operator, it can be noted thatThe client is interested in instant issue of the card. An alternative option is a personal plastic card "Cosmos" from "Home Credit". It is necessary to wait for the nominal for some time: sometimes only a couple of days, and sometimes two or even three weeks. As a rule, the credit manager at the time of ordering notifies of the longest possible waiting period. When the card is prepared for use, it is sent to the office where the client left the application. After that, the manager is connected to the phone number specified by the user, you can come for your payment plastic. But the applicant receives a card of instant issue as soon as the paper registration process ends. However, please note: the rules and tariffs for these cards are somewhat different. Namely more profitable and in the general case has more opportunities for use. Some stores do not authorize transactions on instant cards, and also do not approve the presentation of such a card when making an expensive purchase.

"Benefit" for the benefit of all

As can be seen from the description of the program, "Home Credit"allows you to get a certain benefit when using the “Cosmos” card through the “Benefit” bonus program. Benefits are those who make purchases from partners in the financial structure. The system, by its logic, resembles cashback opportunities and allows you to get back almost a third of the spent (in some cases).

Shops provide points for different conditions.In some it will be a percentage of the perfect purchase, while in others they give a fixed amount of bonuses, and the amount of the check does not matter. "Home Credit" additionally accrues bonus points to those who make payments through a virtual personal account. You can thus receive remuneration by paying for utility services or fines, as well as transferring money for any service. The period of accrual of bonus points depends on the particular participant in the program, in general, it occurs on the third or fifth day after the transaction. The longest period for crediting points is one and a half months. The bank warns that in rare cases, the period may even stretch to 70 days. If the bonus program points did not arrive on time (as can be seen from the card reviews, this happens), you need to contact the customer support hotline. In addition, the chat is constantly running on the company's website, where operators can answer the client's question.

Bonus Features

As can be seen from the list provided onThe official website of the bank, you can get a bonus by making a purchase on the website "Litres", as well as at the conclusion of transactions on "AliExpress". "Home Credit" offers bonuses when shopping in fashion stores - this is the popular "Bifri", and available to the masses "Otto", and a convenient virtual directory "LaModa". You can get a certain amount of the purchase back in the form of bonuses, paying with a Home Credit card in Red Cuba and Technosila, M.Video, Media Markt appliances stores. In a word, there are really a lot of opportunities, and the partners of the program are those outlets where most of our fellow citizens regularly make purchases.

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Bonuses are exchanged by analogy “for onebonus - one ruble check. ” In this case, the conversion is done in 10 days. To use the program, you must issue a request through your personal account on the bank's website. After the receipt of the corresponding application, the conversion process begins, upon its completion the user receives an alert.

Visa to the world of benefit

When choosing a premium card "Home Credit""Cosmos" the user gets the opportunity to use special offers developed by the payment system "Visa". In particular, this is a popular action “Creative Weekend”, in which you can go to the most significant events in the world of art. Only the participants of this payment system can use the opportunity without having to wait for their turn, or without the need to pay for tickets.

Holders of the Cosmos card from the payment system"Visa" has other advantages: you can count on discounts in various institutions and institutions. These are not partners of a particular bank, but firms working with the payment system. In addition to shops, special offers make services, hotels and entertainment facilities. In Russia, special price tags for services introduced by the Azimut hotel chain and Ascona chain stores are of particular interest to cardholders. You can also get special offers at the Sunlight jewelery stores or when visiting the Rio Aquarium.

The best for those who want to be the best

As can be seen from the description, Home Credit has developedCosmos card for those who want to use the premium offer of the financial structure. The program allows you to make a good profit and not just save your earnings, but also increase it without putting any effort into it. If on the card at the end of the settlement period the amount varies from one hundred to five hundred thousand, then the bank charges 7.5% of this amount. If the money is even more, then the interest rate varies in the range from 3 to 7.5%.

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For the first year, the bank does not charge the bank at all,and subsequently have to pay for services in the calculation for the month: one month costs 99 rubles. If on the card every day there is an amount in excess of ten thousand rubles, or the user makes a transaction using a card in the amount of five thousand, then this month becomes completely free for him. True, 59 rubles will have to pay for SMS-services of the bank.

Profitable and affordable

When applying for a card issue, the user canno doubt: nothing will have to be paid. The main card is published for the first time completely dissolutely. Any citizen of our country can receive it, if his age is 21 or older. To confirm your age and citizenship, as well as to have with you all the necessary personal data to conclude an agreement with a credit company, you must always be with your passport when visiting the office. The questionnaire that the manager of the company will fill out, focusing on the client's documents, is available for public review on the bank’s website. You can first read it, and only after that go to the office - if, of course, the client agrees with all the conditions stated in the program.

Some features

According to the Cosmos card from Home Credit Bank per monthYou can withdraw through ATMs 500 thousand rubles. The limit on payment for services in stores is three times more, that is, one and a half million. About 1% of the used amount is always returned by bonuses, regardless of which store spent the money and which service it was paid for. The maximum amount of bonuses accrued for one month is two thousand. The most popular product categories are a return on the bonus program of at least three percent of the amount spent. These include gas stations, services related to tourism and catering. You can get up to three thousand points in one month. A number of virtual retail outlets that have entered into partnership with a bank offer discounts when paying with the Cosmos card in the amount of 10%.

At the same time, as card users point out,There are certain weaknesses. So, it is inconvenient to replenish the card - for this you need to come to the office and put the amount through the cashier. If purchases are made abroad, the bank converts the currency at its rate, not always the same as that established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In some cases, with large amounts of purchases such conversions can be quite unprofitable. In order not to be in an unpleasant situation, you need to be careful when making transactions in overseas outlets.

Convenient and unobtrusive

As many bank customers point out,"Home Credit" on top. When registering for participation in financial programs, the user leaves a contact phone number for communication, as in any other banking structure, after which he may encounter a number of calls from the technical service, operators offering new advantageous tariff options. If a person is interested in receiving information in this way, he stores his number in the customer database, and if he does not want to be distracted, he simply informs the manager about his desire to exclude the phone number from the database. After this, there will be no concern on the part of the bank: neither SMS, nor intrusive calls. Many people mark this as a definite plus, especially clearly visible in comparison with a number of other financial companies whose customers constantly complain about calls, spam and advertising mailing. In addition, the bank carefully protects its database, so no unauthorized persons have access to customer contact information. You can not fear for their safety.

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Как видно из отзывов, многие оформляют карты, Placing money on deposits in Home Credit, this banking structure offers quite profitable interest when cooperating with it, especially if the client has a large amount. You can transfer your salary here, and then when you issue a card the client receives an additional bonus (at the moment - 500 rubles). In addition to debit cards, you can arrange and credit plastic. This is quite beneficial, although many prefer to avoid such cards.