October 12, 2011 by the Russian Central Banka decree was published concerning cash operations, according to which, since 2012, business entities of any legal form are obliged to make an independent calculation of the cash limit. And if earlier the firm could rely entirely on the Central Bank in this matter, now it is necessary to exert one's strength and decide on one’s own. This also applies to individual entrepreneurs, who now have to keep records of all cash transactions, paying attention to the existing restrictions on cash balances. However, do not be in a hurry to get upset and nervous, the calculation of the limit of the cash desk and the observance of the cash discipline is not so difficult!
1. Choose a time period for which we will, strictly speaking, calculate cash flows. In accordance with the law, it can not be more than 92 working days.
2. The calculation of the cash limit is carried out according to the elementary formula:
“Cash limit” = “cash proceeds” / “number of days in the billing period” * “number of days between cash transfers”.
3. Observe cash discipline, and everything will be fine!
Consider the example of the calculation of the cash limit
1. In the first case, the company has revenue.Suppose the gift company "Gift" is engaged in the sale of original gifts for all occasions. If during the reporting period they chose the third quarter of 2011 with a duration of 71 days, the revenue of which was 500,000 rubles, and the store gives cash every Friday, then the formula: LC = 500,000 / 71 * 5 = 35,211 rubles.
2.But what to do if the company has no cash proceeds? In this case, instead of the number of days between delivery, the formula uses the number of working days that pass during the period between appeals to the bank to receive cash. For example, Derevenskoye Milk LLC is engaged in the purchase of dairy products from farmers and villagers. Suppose the management of the company decided to take over the reporting period in October 2012, when purchases were the most intensive. Let the cashier receive cash once every 3 days, and in October it was 20 business days. Then if the earnings of LLC “Derevskoye Milk” during this period amounted to 300,000 rubles, then the calculation of the cash limit will look like this: LC = 300,000 / 20 * 3 = 60,000 rubles.