Cash limit

The organization, regardless of the form of ownership,can at the end of working hours leave in his cash desk a certain amount of money. That is, the amount of cash remaining at the cash desk can not exceed a certain amount. This amount is called the cash limit.

Throughout the day, the amount of cash is notis limited, but by the end of the working time, the amount of money that remains at the cash desk must be less than the cash limit established at each individual enterprise. If the amount exceeds the limit, it must be transferred to the settlement accounts of the enterprise opened for banking purposes intended for this purpose. As an exception to the cash register, more than the established limit, funds can be kept that were intended to pay a variety of benefits and wages. But the period of storage of these payments can not exceed three days, taking into account the day of receipt of funds in the banking institution.

From 01.01.2012, new rules have entered into force that relate to cash transactions, now the procedure for maintaining the cash register is regulated by Regulation No. 373-P of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 12.10.11. According to this provision, both organizations and individual entrepreneurs, whose activities involve the use of cash, must maintain a cash desk for all the requirements of the above provision. Accordingly, correctly setting the cashier's limit.

Previously, according to the regulations that were in effectuntil January 1, the limit of the cash desk was established by the bank. With the introduction of new rules, the question arises who sets the cash box limit now. And now every enterprise or individual entrepreneur himself must establish for himself a limit of money that can be kept in the cash register. At the same time, it is not necessary to coordinate this amount with a bank or some other controlling body.

Calculate the cash limit can be several described in the Regulations 373-p ways.

The first concerns those who, in the process of workthere are constant receipts of cash. They need to start to determine the time period for calculating the cashier's limit (month, quarter, etc.). Then, specify the settlement period for determining the boundary amount that can remain in the cash register. This period, according to the Regulations, can not be more than 92 days, but not calendar days, but days that according to the schedule of work of the organization or entrepreneur are workers. And you can choose the most profitable period: the same period last year; the period preceding the time at which the cashier's limit is made; the period with the maximum amount of revenue, etc.

Once this is determined, a sample is sampledcash and all received amounts of cash are summarized. Further it is necessary to be defined, in how many days the cashier or other authorized person will hand over surplus of money resources in bank establishments. But it should be remembered that the periodicity of such surrender should not exceed seven days.

Having determined all the above-mentioned points,you can proceed to the calculation itself. To do this, the total amount of money for the selected period should be divided by the number of workers in this organization days for the same period, and the result multiplied by the number of days through which the cash transfer will take place. The amount received in the end, and will be the cashier's limit.

The second method is used by organizations and IPs,of which there is no cash gain. That is, cash in the cash department comes only from settlement accounts. In this case, as in the previous one, it is necessary to select a period for establishing a cash desk limit. Choose a billing period, which also can not be longer than 92 days. Determine the amount of expenses for the selected period and the number of days that pass between cash withdrawals from the organization's accounts in banking institutions.

Further, the calculation of the cashier's limit is made:the amount of cash received for a certain time (not including wages, benefits, scholarships, etc.) is divided by the number of working days chosen for calculation and multiplied by the number of days in between, between which receipt of funds will be received by checks.

A clear form for calculating the cash limit is not theis provided, therefore it is made in an arbitrary form. The calculated limit of the cash desk is issued by an order of the head of the organization or by a private entrepreneur in an arbitrary form.