/ / How to apply for an electronic OSAGO policy? Insurance companies, instructions

How to apply for an electronic OSAGO policy? Insurance companies, instructions

Since the middle of last year, car owners havethe opportunity to obtain electronic compulsory motor TPL insurance. This new method allows you to issue a document without queues and visits to the insurance company. The article deals with how to design an electronic MTPL policy and how it is convenient. The methods of obtaining it will also be studied in detail.

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Electronic OSAGO

A document received electronically hasthe same force as paper. It can be brought in any place where necessary. Electronic insurance of OSAGO is made directly through the Internet directly in the company, that is, on its official website. Car owners today can, if desired, make an online purchase or drive to the office and purchase the document in the usual way.

Electronic insurance of OSAGO is ainformation that in a particular insurance company with an automobile owner a contract has been concluded, information about which has been entered in a centralized database. Such a record guarantees the provision of services in the event of an accident on a general basis.

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After the motorist has issued and paid forinsurance, he receives an e-mail, where there is a policy in the attachment. The document must be printed out, and after that it should be signed in the designated column. Although the latter is optional. The insurance company uses a digital signature, attaching it to the document.

If you want to additionally insurecivil liability should be aware that in electronic form this is possible only if the insurance policy was drawn up in a similar way earlier and it is expected to extend its validity.

The price of electronic or paper OSAGO is the same. Although the electronic commission will not take into account the fee of the insurance agent.

There are calculators that will helpdetermine the cost of auto insurance. It depends on the capacity of the vehicle, the age and length of service of the driver, the locality in which the owner of the car is registered. For example, for a driver of 22 years of age, who has a management experience of about a year, owning a car with a capacity of over 100 horsepower and residing in Moscow, the cost in different insurance companies will vary from 14 to 16 thousand rubles. And for the owner of the car with the same set of data, but living in Khimki, the price of auto insurance will be about 13,800 rubles.

If we calculate the cost of such a service for50-year-old driver with a thirty-year experience of driving a vehicle up to 50 liters. with., residing in Saratov, the amount in this case will be no more than 4 thousand rubles.

The order of registration

The document received in electronic form isa new service of insurance companies for auto insurance. Many drivers are afraid of innovations and prefer a proven old way. However, for electronic registration you need very little.

insurance insurance osago

How to issue an electronic CTP policy step by step?

  • Go to the official website of the UK.
  • Fill out the proposed application with your data.
  • The signature for an individual can be carried out electronically (with the use of his account in the Pension Fund, that is, SNILS), and for a legal one - by a reinforced qualified digital version.
  • After completing the design, you need to wait untildata will be loaded, calculation will be made and verification of information from a single base. At this stage, if necessary, the system may request additional information.
  • After that, you should pay for the policy in any convenient and familiar way for the client.
  • Then go to the e-mail, save the document and print it.

Be very careful when making your owndata in the statement. After all, if there are errors in the policy, typos and false data, this may be the reason that compensation will be refused in case of an accident. And at best, the process of receiving payments will be delayed.

The car owner chooses the way of document registration at his own will. There are no obligations in this case. Convenience for the driver here is of paramount importance.

When filling out the electronic CTP price is selectedindependently, depending on the duration of the insurance or the availability of additional services. Insurance on CTP in electronic form are entitled to provide only the IC. No brokers or agents can do this.

After the procedure is completed, the datacar owner as the insured get into the information system of compulsory insurance. This system is automated. Thanks to her, the procedure for concluding a contract will be considerably simplified in the future.

It is clear that when you make insurance in this way, a car inspection is not required.

electronic insurance

What data is entered?

Before you make an electronic policy OSAGO, prepare the following documents.

  • A passport or other document that certifies your identity.
  • Documents on the car.
  • Driver's license, as well as those authorized to drive a vehicle.
  • Diagnostic card about passing inspection.

All these data are available in electronic form, whereinsurers and receive relevant information. Therefore, if the technical inspection has not been passed, you will not receive a policy (although there are ICs that help in this matter). If among the list of persons included in the contract there is someone who does not have a driver's license, the result will also be negative.


Fraud in our country, alas, is not uncommon.Such offenders do not bypass the insurance industry. Forms are often falsified, and it is even easier to falsify an electronic CTP for a company. How not to fall for the scam?

The rules of the road tell us thatthe driver must have a driver's license, a certificate of registration for a motor vehicle, as well as a motor insurance policy. If the traffic police inspector requests to present a policy, the driver must provide a printout of the insurance.

Of course, the time will come when on each machineThe traffic police will be located terminal, with which the inspector will be able to access the database to check the document for authenticity. But while this is not there, the driver should have a paper equivalent of an electronic document.

There is a special system with which the car owner can verify the authenticity of the policy on their own. After all, each insurance has its own unique number.

Insurance companies receive insurance policy forms in the PCA.Therefore, by entering the policy number in the database, you can make sure that the number matches the name of the IC. This method can be used not only by those who designed the electronic CTP policy. Rosgosstrakh this, “Reso”, “Consent” or any other insurance company is not important, as is the way of registration. In other words, if the contract was concluded by the insured by his arrival at the office of any insurance company, authentication via the Internet in the PCA is also possible.

get an electronic osago

Advantages for SC

When innovation began to operate, all ICs began to actively implement this system. It is not difficult to understand how profitable it is for insurers.

They can significantly reduce staffing. Reduced costs for the payment of salaries and commission premiums. No need to strive to open new offices and so on.

Benefits for policyholders

But not only for insurance companies profitable new system. Car owners, in turn, receive the following preferences:

  • You no longer need to go to the office, look for a suitable insurance company and listen to all the information from the agent.
  • The policy is issued in a quiet home environment, where the car owner himself makes the choice to purchase additional services or refuse them.
  • This can be done at any time convenient for you.and do not need to devote a few hours specifically and ask for leave from work. A few minutes in the evening, on a day off or at any other time when there is a possibility. After all, company sites, like the Internet, work around the clock.

electronic insurance company

Minor flaws

In addition to the obvious advantages that are impossible to challenge, as in any system, there are also disadvantages in obtaining electronic policies. Consider some of them.

  • Many people simply prefer not to shop online.
  • When SK provide electronic services, active advertising is not conducted. Therefore, potential policyholders are deprived of information about the benefits of entering into a contract with a company.
  • Small IC are forced to significantly reduce the cost of services in order to enter the market. But in people it sometimes causes rejection and suspicion.

But all these shortcomings are not so significant.

Process formality

More serious impediment to the development of servicesthere may be inconsistencies that occur during the design of a service such as an electronic OSAGO. VSK, Rosgosstrakh or any other company enter into a contract based on the data on the documents.

It turns out, for example, that vehicle inspectionbecomes formal. Many insurance companies provide an additional service in which, after the policy is issued, an operator is offered who performs the inspection procedure without making any claims, that is, simply to fix the record in the database.

Lack of equipment for traffic police

The traffic police inspector has no specialequipment to verify the authenticity of electronic forms. If the situation is stressful, it can contribute to the conflict between the driver and the law enforcement officer. Everyone says that CTP insurance policy (Rosgosstrakh, Soglasie, Reso, AlfaStrakhovanie and all other insurance companies) replaced the paper equivalent with an electronic signature. Therefore, some drivers, not having a paper version with them, refer to this discrepancy. At the same time, you should know that, despite the electronic signature, precisely because of the fact that traffic police officers are not able to verify this information so far, drivers are obliged to carry a paper equivalent with them. Otherwise, the person will be fined 500 or 800 rubles.

Euro-protocol design: what to do?

There are questions and at registration by drivers of road accidentusing europrotocol. This document and the method of registration of an accident are designed to improve the situation on the road and register a minor traffic accident without the participation of a traffic police inspector. At the same time, if one of the drivers has an electronic OSAGO, VSK for example, how can the other participant of the accident be convinced of its authenticity? It turns out that the norm, designed to simplify the procedure for registration of an accident, in such cases is completely lost.

electronic insurance osago


Let's hope that these shortcomings will soontime can be solved. After all, the ability to order electronic CTP insurance through the Internet is indeed very convenient. And this will surely be appreciated by many car enthusiasts already in the near future. Then it will make life easier not only for policyholders and insurers, but also for traffic police officers.

We considered how to issue an electronic policyOSAGO, convinced of its simplicity and many of the advantages of the system. Affected shortcomings and pitfalls that are still available in connection with this innovation.

Based on the above, every car ownerdecides for himself whether to adhere to the design of the policy in the old manner or go to an electronic OSAGO. AlfaStrakhovanie, Rosgosstrakh, Reso, VSK, Soglasie and many other insurance companies are ready to provide this new service today.