/ / OSAGO without inspection. Myth or reality?

OSAGO without inspection. Myth or reality?

In July 2012 motorists of Russia receivedgood news. The State Duma has allowed to insure vehicles on compulsory motor TPL insurance with vehicle inspection coupons that have been operating for less than six months. In addition, the new law provides for the possibility of obtaining a short-term MTPL policy without a vehicle inspection for a period of 20 days. In the near future, a new draft law will be submitted to the State Duma for consideration, providing for a permanent MTPL policy without inspection.

The key point of the new bill -returning drivers the right to insure the car before undergoing a technical inspection. The reason is that today operators who have the right to carry out inspection, do not cope with the flow of those wishing to conduct an inspection of the car. Often the owners of vehicles at their own peril and exploit the car without insurance.

To date, amendments to the law allowto acquire a MTPL policy without inspection, but at the same time it is worth observing certain conditions. Previously, drivers could obtain a policy only for following to the place where the registration will be carried out. Now the policy can be purchased and in order to get to the place of the first or repeated maintenance.

The innovation was approved by car owners,since earlier many of them had to resort to the services of the tow truck, so as not to violate the existing traffic rules. If necessary, today you can purchase a MTPL policy without a vehicle inspection for a period of 20 days and get to the point of maintenance, without violating the rules. In other cases, to obtain insurance, you still have to pass a technical inspection.

Some drivers are of the opinion thatInsurance is only needed for newcomers and drivers, and do not consider it necessary to insure their "iron horse" for OSAGO. In fact, driving without MTPL is fraught with serious consequences. Legislation of Russia provides for compulsory insurance of any vehicle. In the absence of a policy, drivers risk getting a fine of 100 to 800 rubles. In addition, the traffic police, having identified such an offense, are even entitled to prohibit the operation of the car and to remove the registration numbers.

In order to understand how CTP is calculated,you need to contact any insurance company you are interested in. Some car owners believe that the price of the policy is determined by the insurer, in fact, it is not. The cost of insurance consists of the coefficients and tariffs established by the state. Insurance companies have no right to understate or overstate the cost of the policy. Legislation prohibits any discounts, promotions, gifts when buying insurance. The price of the policy depends on the brand of the car, its age, frequency of use, the length of service of the driver. Also, the region where the vehicle is registered, the engine capacity, the number of drivers that will be inscribed in the policy is relevant.

MTPL is calculated on the basis of basic tariffs,which are set by the government. The specialist multiplies the base rate by the coefficients of OSAGO, which can reduce the cost of insurance, or, conversely, make it more expensive. The more experience and age of the driver, the lower the coefficient, accordingly, the insurance will be cheaper.

The term of insurance also affects the cost, it is most advantageous to purchase a policy for 10 months or more, then you will be able to save a significant amount.

The state encourages those drivers who driveneat and don't get in an accident. For a trouble-free ride, motorists are entitled to a premium of 5% for each year without an accident. The maximum possible discount is 50%. Upon the occurrence of the insured event, the coefficient increases by 50%. Therefore, each driver must be very attentive at the wheel: it is not only safe, but also profitable.