/ / What is an invoice and what is the order of its filling?

What is an invoice and what is the order of its completion?

The answer to the question “what is invoice” can be found inany encyclopedia. This is a document that is provided to the buyer by the seller and contains a specific list of goods, indicating their quantity and price at which they should be delivered to the customer. Also in this document should be indicated some features of the product (for example, weight or color), certain conditions of delivery and basic data about the recipient and the sender.

what is invoice

Definition and basic details

In the specialized literature also founddefinition of what is invoice. This is a written invoice, indicating the occurrence of obligations for the buyer to pay for the goods received in accordance with the terms and conditions. However, there is one feature - invoice does not apply to deliveries made on an advance payment. The main requisites of this document are the date and number, details of counterparties, a brief description of the goods, indicating the country of its origin, quantity and cost per piece (unit), total cost, terms of delivery.

Filling Invoice

In the domestic practice of invoice in the westernunderstanding is missing. In settlements between counterparties, an invoice is used, which is filled out exclusively within the framework of tax control and cannot be accepted as an analogue of an invoice. Therefore, the fact that such an invoice becomes reliably known only during various international deliveries. Thus, invoice - a kind of invoice for payment. The exporter should write out this document immediately upon shipment of the goods and sent it to the buyer. It is the invoice payment that is the basis for the transfer of funds.

invoice payment

Varieties of invoice

In case of transfer by a foreign buyeradvance payment in accordance with the contract, the exporter usually issued a pro forma invoice, which contains the same details as a regular invoice. However, the difference still exists - the data are preliminary.

Commercial invoice issued latermust contain actual accurate data that are obtained on the basis of information about the shipment of goods or the provision of services. What is invoice, must understand both partners. Therefore, it is compiled in any language. This is mainly English. International practice does not always require the signing of an invoice, but sometimes this requirement is mandatory.

The proforma may reflect tolerances in the quantity of goods in accordance with the concluded contract. The same document defines the terms of delivery.

invoice filling

The total amount to be paid is indicated in the currencywhich is set by contract. However, in the case of payment by a foreign buyer in a currency other than that specified in the contract, the rate at which the recalculation will be carried out must be indicated in the invoice.

Summing up, it should be noted thatAn invoice is a document that is presented at customs to verify the delivery of goods of international importance. This document is a necessary attribute for absolutely all products that are transmitted or sold to the recipient by the sender.