Value added tax (mostcommon abbreviation: VAT) among all existing taxes is one of the most complex tax payments, it is not so easy to calculate. Large organizations with large commodity-money turnover for the calculation and accounting of VAT have a special accountant who knows how to calculate VAT.
Paragraph 1 of Art. 146 of the Tax Code states that the objects for collecting VAT are the following aspects of the enterprise:
- sale of goods, services and works throughout Russia;
- the transfer in the territory of Russia of goods for their needs, the costs of which are not taken into account when calculating the corporate income tax;
- production of construction and installation works to meet the company's own needs;
- Import of goods on the customs territory of Russia.
Art.146 of the Tax Code states that VAT payers are obliged to issue invoices and invoices established by law to customers and buyers and must conduct corresponding books of sales and purchases. In addition, it is necessary to keep logs of records of received and issued invoices. The VAT base includes the amount of advance payment, which is received as an advance for future deliveries of goods.
Many novice accountants are interested in howcalculate VAT on the advance. VAT is calculated by the following formula: "The amount of VAT is equal to the amount of the advance received divided by 118 and multiplied by 18. If the VAT rate is 10%, then the amount of VAT, respectively, is equal to the amount of the advance received divided by 110, and multiplied by 10" . According to the requirements of the legislation, the reporting period is one calendar quarter for VAT.
How to calculate VAT
VAT is calculated using the following algorithm.From the amount of tax accrued for the quarter, the amount of all tax deductions is deducted, and as a result, a VAT is obtained, the amount of which must be transferred to the budget. If the amount of deductions is greater than the amount of the tax charged for the quarter, the tax is subject to reduction. VAT refund is made in accordance with Art. 78 of the Tax Code. More complete information on how to calculate VAT is provided in the Tax Code and other legal acts.
The tax burden indicator determines the partof the company's total revenue paid to the budget. World experience says that for the normal operation of the organization, its optimal value should be from 30 to 40% of the profit amount. But taking into account the specifics of the taxation system in our country, the level of tax burden can vary from 2 to 70%.
To calculate the tax burden, you mustmake a list of tax rates and calculate the income received from the sale of goods (as well as the provision of services, works), which the company received during the reporting period. Next, you need to determine how to calculate the tax burden. It is equal to the ratio of the sum of all tax payments to the amount of income received from sales plus non-operating income. The tax burden is also absolute and relative. More accurate is the relative load - the ratio of the absolute index of the tax burden to the value newly created in percent.
The profit tax takes into account all the net profitcompany for the reporting year. This tax is paid by foreign and domestic companies, which profit from their work in Russia. Calculate the corporate income tax is not difficult. The subject of tax collection is the company's net profit. Therefore, in order to calculate the profit tax, the company's net profit for the entire accounting (tax) period is calculated first. To do this, it is necessary to take away its expenses from the total profit of the organization. Both that, and another - for the accounting period.
To determine exactly what is considered a profitorganization, you need to turn to the Tax Code. Article 248 contains a definition of income items that are taxable for income tax; articles NK RF from 252 to 267 contain a description of expenses that can reduce a company's profit when calculating net profit.