Taxes are a painful issue, both for the state,and for individuals engaged in business. Every second strives to evade them, considering that the state has no right to establish such fees and that there is nothing to pay for it. To convince the evil enemy of taxes you can only show him how the income tax rate is calculated and where these funds are received.
The fact is that from how well people arepay taxes, and the state of the federal budget. And already from the federal budget, funds are allocated for the salaries of policemen, medical workers, traffic regulators, guards, military, fire, janitors ... Just imagine if the federal budget is small and does not pay money for labor to all these people? The city will turn into chaos: the streets will be dirty, because the janitors will not go to work, the crime will prosper, people will die because they will not be provided with timely medical assistance ... In such a place it would be terrible to live. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that it is from the federal budget that salaries are paid to all state officials, leaders, and also to the head of state. That is, the tax rate of income tax is your small contribution to the peaceful and peaceful coexistence of people in your city and country.
Tax Service for each enterprisecarries out an individual approach. Here, when calculating the corporate income tax rate, many factors are taken into account. And this is correct, because all firms and enterprises differ from each other. For example, the tax rate on profits for enterprises engaged in educational or medical activities is, in most cases, 0%. The majority of manufacturing enterprises pay 20% of their profits to the state. Foreign enterprises that organized their activities on the territory of our country give 30% of their profits to the federal budget, which, by the way, is quite a lot.
All these nuances are reported to each privateThe person when he is just going to register his case. The rate of income tax is calculated directly with it. Therefore, there is only one way out: do not want to pay - turn the deal.
By the way, for a special economic zoneThe income tax rate is only 13.5%. If the income in the form of dividends - the tax is also equal to 0%. Debt obligations are taxed at 15% of profits. By the way, you can consider special tax regimes, perhaps, some one suits you, then the profit tax rate will be zero. This special tax regime has gambling establishments. As a rule, they do not pay income tax.
There are also difficulties in completing documents forDetermining which income tax rate will be assigned to your enterprise. We will discuss the main terms that usually raise a number of questions. The first of these is the Object of Taxation. In the tax service and financial legislation, this term means the profit of the organization. By the way, the profit must also be calculated. This, as a rule, is the difference between the expenses and incomes of the enterprise. In order to calculate the object of taxation correctly, you must provide the service with documents confirming the receipt of income and the commission of embezzlement of any kind. By the way, the costs are considered only those costs of the company, which can be called justified. All the rest does not count.
Taxation has its own time periods,which are called quarters. It is important to know the meaning of the term "tax base". This is nothing more than the cash equivalent of the profit to which the tax rate will be charged. That, in fact, and all that people need to know who want to start their own business, honestly pay taxes and sleep peacefully. The rate of the profit tax is not a deceit of the state, but an enforced necessity.