How to Eat Coconut

Coconut (coconut) is a drupe.In other words, it is a stone fruit, which is very close to apricots, cherries, cherries. He refers to the department of angiosperms. His name from Portuguese translates as "monkey". This can be explained by the fact that on cleaned coconut you can observe three small grooves that make it look like the muzzle of this animal.

Southeast Asia is considered its homeland.There are a lot of coconut trees in Thailand, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines. Best of all, they grow on sandy beaches, but they can grow on any other soil. You can buy coconuts all over the world. They are quite popular, although they can not be found in any home. Surprisingly, many still do not know how to eat a coconut. Why is this surprising? Yes, because everyone knows it, but many have tried only its nougat in sweets or something else, but they do not know how to handle fresh coconut.

Практически все жители нашей страны абсолютно sure that the coconut should be brown and shaggy. In fact, it is not so. The bottom line is that such coconuts are overripe. Those people who live in places where there are coconut palms, such fruits are never used for food. Of these, it is customary to make coconut oil, and sometimes they melt the fire. What good are young coconuts? They have more vitamins, they contain more juice, and their nougats are softer and sweeter (although less).

Coconuts come in different varieties.They can be elongated, oblong, oval, color they have yellow, green, brown, orange. The amount of juice inside the fetus depends little on its size.

Before talking about how to eat coconut, it is worth mentioning that it can be used in food in different ways. It can also be used for other purposes.

How to eat coconut

The question is complex and multifaceted. There are many ways. Some of them are very original. How to eat coconut? Let's look at the most basic options:

1.Just split it in half and eat the pulp from the halves. Of course, the juice before this will need to be expressed through a special hole. How to split it? You just have to hit him hard once or twice in a row. You can also use for this case some heavy object. For example, a hammer. There is a pulp from the halves very conveniently with the help of an ordinary spoon. Young coconuts can be cut into pieces with the help of a cleaver - so the halves will turn out more neat.

2. Make two holes in the coconut pour the juice through them into the glass and enjoy this delicious drink. A hole can be made with any sharp and durable object.

3.You can make a small hole in the coconut (a little more than a matchbox) to insert a straw into it and drink the juice from the resulting "glass". When the juice is over, all the flesh can be eaten with a spoon through this opening.

4. The coconut can be cut into rings. They can also be cut into several parts. Cork should not be cut, as with it they look much more interesting.

I hope now you understand how to eat coconut.

Where else can it be useful?

It is used in cosmetology to create various creams, balms and other. Many women believe that its milk perfectly moisturizes the skin, and also protects from the appearance of wrinkles.

Nut is used in cooking for cookingvarious sweets and baked goods. Its flesh is often present in sweets, where it often happens to be the main ingredient. Coconut shavings are sprinkled with cakes. Modern industry even offers shavings of various colors.

If you have not eaten a real coconut so farwalnut, then certainly buy it. Of course, it is very difficult to buy fresh fruit from us in the country, however, even those coconuts that are sold here are also delicious.