How to eat coconut?

How to choose a coconut, clean it and eat without problems - this question is asked by everyone who holds this nut for the first time. This article provides tips on "taming" coconut.

Currently, coconuts are sold in manyshops, and a resident of any city, even the most northern, can arrange a tropical dinner at any time of the year. But this nut is not in high demand due to the fact that many do not know how to properly eat coconut, and what useful properties it has. In addition, many are confused by the rather high price of this product. But if you are determined to try coconut, then this article is for you. In it you will learn how to eat coconut, how to quickly clean it and what can be cooked from it.

Selection of coconut
Before buying, be sure to shake the coconut - ifa knock of the dried core is heard, then put it back into place, but if there is splashing milk, then proceed to the examination. On the outside of the coconut there should be no signs of mold or decay, such a nut is also sent back to the shelf. It should be heavy, without external damages and streaks. The average weight of coconut from 500 grams to 1 kilogram. It contains 100-300 mililiters of juice and 500-800 grams of pulp.

How to peel a coconut
On the surface of each coconut there are three darkspot - places of attachment of the fetus to the palm. This is the most affordable place to get juice. You can pick them with a knife, and then pour the coconut milk through a straw into the right capacity. Juice can not be stored, so it should be used immediately.
Further, deepen the knife in the nut and split the fruit into twoparts. There is also an option for real men - holding the coconut on the weight, hit it with a hammer several times. As a result of such actions, the pulp will begin to move away from the walls, and the shell will be covered with cracks. After that, you will only have to remove the shell and cut the soft part into portions.

How to eat coconut
So, you still decided to buy a coconut,but now you are worried about the next question - "How to eat coconut?". It often arises with fans of exotic products. Coconut is eaten as follows: a thin brown peel, juice and, of course, the flesh can be used in its pure form. This is the easiest way and certainly incredibly useful. Nut can also be cooked, its flesh is used for baking, fruit salads, cocktails and much more. In order to preserve the flesh, it is crushed in a combine or on a grater, sprinkled with juice and frozen. You can also chop the pulp and dry it, you will get delicious coconut shavings for baking

How to eat coconut?Be sure to try with fish or in exotic soup, as well as prepare an amazing dessert - coconut cream. In addition, the coconut can be added to chicken, curry and to various sauces. The use of this product is very diverse.

Также кокос можно использовать и в медицинских purposes. Coconut water is sterile and has long been used as an antiseptic. She also perfectly reduces the temperature. If you are not lucky, and the illness crept up to you on vacation on a tropical island - be sure to try this remedy first. Another unique property of coconut is that it reduces the level of sugar, so it is very useful for diabetics. People who have problems with the genitourinary system, it is also useful, as it is a remedy for urolithiasis. In general, the useful properties of coconut mass. In addition, his stunning taste, beloved by many thanks to the popular Bounty chocolate bar, which is essentially a coconut in chocolate, is not in doubt, and not vice versa.

Now you know how to eat coconut, so you can safely go to the store for such a tasty and useful purchase. Bon Appetit!