/ / Seasoning for chicken: how to make a new and unusual habitual dish

Seasoning for chicken: how to make a new and unusual habitual dish

Even the most lazy mistress knows how muchthe taste of the simplest dish changes under the influence of seasonings. Why are there! Any bachelor who wants to slightly diversify the daily scrambled eggs pours into her what she finds in the nightstand - if only she would be more tasty and not very similar to what she ate yesterday.

А вот тут-то многие и совершают ошибку.Not every spice is combined with the main component of the dish. It happens that the added seasoning does not just make the food "no", but can bring it to a state of complete inedibility. So, before adding spicy weed to your dinner, ask if it is compatible with this dish?

seasoning for chicken

Chicken and traditions

The most unpretentious and fast-cooked meat for ever-busy contemporaries is chicken. However, its meat is pretty boring to taste. So how to decorate it?

Those who are over thirty probably still remembertimes when all the seasonings were in salt, pepper and lavrushka. Without a doubt, they are very democratic. And as seasoning for chicken is quite suitable. In principle, they are suitable for any meat (and not only). However, it is not interesting to manage only this set.

Modern offers

The most obvious way out is to go the easy way.Now in supermarkets there is a mass of colored bags with the words “Seasoning for chicken”, and the inscriptions claim that this is the best set of herbs and spices that will make your chicken dish unique. Something they can be trusted. So, in one of the packages, we subtracted that as part of a mixture paprika, dried garlic, coriander, salt, turmeric, curry, hops-suneli, nutmeg, ginger, spices. In principle, the listed components are really combined with a bird, but what is meant by the word "spices"? What exactly do you mean? And curry is an ambiguous thing. Not very much inspires confidence such seasoning for chicken. Its composition is also not fully indicated: taste enhancers are not listed, as well as flavors and dyes.

seasoning for chicken composition

It all depends on what you cook.

There is another nuance that you are confident about.any culinary specialist (even an amateur) will say with experience and a love for cooking. Seasoning for chicken is selected depending on what kind of dish you cook from poultry. For example, basil is very good for independent chicken dishes, but if the soup is cooked, then it should be either fish or tomato-based. Chicken broth with basil is not particularly friendly.

Also, if the bird is fried or baked,The best chicken seasoning is herbs. Take the same basil with marjoram and sage and add rosemary, thyme and mint, and grate the carcass with this composition - you can think of nothing more delicious. And if the bird is extinguished, then many of the herbs will lose their flavor and will be virtually useless.

Correct combinations

And yet, what seasonings are suitable for chicken?In addition to the listed herbs and traditional Soviet set, you can take garlic, and even dried, white pepper - it makes even a better impression than the usual black, and ginger. In principle, the chicken is quite "friendly" with many seasonings. But given that her meat is fresh (no wonder this bird is involved in most dietary menus), you should not spend her delicate soft spices. Condiments should add expressiveness to the chicken, so their flavor should be quite sharp, and the taste should preferably be sharp or bitter.

what seasonings are suitable for chicken

The saffron withbright smell, besides, he paints white meat in an unusual yellow color, which also pleases the eye. Remarkably in harmony with this poultry curry, however, it is worth noting that it fits into almost all known dishes. Despite its mild taste, sweet (Bulgarian) pepper is good in chicken dishes due to its pronounced aroma. And of course, chili, if you do not shy away from spicy.

Grill features

When cooking chicken on an open fire you needconsider the impact of the flame itself. Nevertheless, some of the flavor and sharpness of the spices under its influence are lost. That is why it is recommended to marinate the bird before cooking: it absorbs the spirit of spices, the meat will become juicy, soft and fragrant. These goals and sets itself a seasoning for grilled chicken, the composition of which is different from the others. It contains more spicy spices: black pepper, paprika, garlic, and chili at the same time. Certainly must be present and fragrant ingredients: turmeric, hops-suneli, coriander, shambala, nutmeg, ginger and curry.

seasoning for chicken grill composition

In principle, knowing the preferences and “friendlyThe relationship of chicken with spices and herbs, you can make your own collection, which will meet your tastes, combined with poultry meat and emphasize its dignity. For example, take a chervil: it miraculously shades the taste of the chicken, but, firstly, its aroma is too gentle, and when cooking you have to use it in large quantities, and secondly, it quickly fades, losing and so little smell. But maybe it will be your highlight in chicken dishes.

Или, к примеру, орегано, который на самом деле - native oregano. He was accustomed to meet in Italian dishes, but oregano has long been used in Russia as a seasoning. It is not so easy to buy it (fresh anyway), but it is worthy of being added to your list of favorite herbs.