Cooking jerky at home

We all love to periodically pamper yourself with meatsemi-finished products - various sausages, ham, sausages and other goodies. We also know that store delicacies are often unhealthy. We offer you to cook tasty jerky at home. Such a delicacy made with own hands, not containing preservatives of harmful impurities and additives, will always be welcome on your table.

How to cook jerky at home? We offer you several recipes.

Dried pork.

Ingredients: a piece of fresh pork tenderloin (loin), coarse salt, cumin, coriander, black pepper-peas. Also set aside a bowl or tray for meat and a piece of clean gauze.

Preparation: Свинину очищаем от пленочек и натираем весь кусок coarse salt. Put the meat in the tray and leave it in a cool place for about 2-3 days. Remember that every day the meat must be turned over so that it should be soaked with salt. When the meat is sufficiently infused, remove it from the tray and remove excess salt from the surface. Grind spices and make up a suitable cocktail of them to taste. Then rub this mixture with a tenderloin. After wrapping the meat in cheesecloth and looking for a cool ventilated place for it (in no case in the heat). Meat must be hung vertically, so that it is well blown. Wait for full readiness should be about 5-7 days. Then the piece can be removed and enjoy its taste and aroma.

Beef jerky.

This recipe will appeal to those who do not like too fat meat.

Ingredients: a piece of beef tenderloin, large table salt and ground black pepper, dry garlic (you can add any dry spices to taste).

Preparation: we clean the meat from the films (otherwise the salt and spices are notcan be absorbed as it should). A mixture of salt and pepper is poured into a tray and laid out there meat, which is also poured with salt. Next you need to cover the tray or bowl with a wrap and put it in the cold for 12 hours. After we get a piece of meat, clean the salt and wipe dry. Then rub the beef with a mixture of spices. Further, as well as with pork: the meat is wrapped in cheesecloth and hung in a cool ventilated place. Meat can be put in the refrigerator, not forgetting to turn it daily. A week later, the meat is ready to eat.

If you do not trust such “half-curved” meat too much, we recommend that you cook dried poultry meat. Such a product is better absorbed, quickly prepared and is considered safer.

How to make jerky.

Most often, housewives use chicken for this purpose, but a goose, a duck and even a turkey will do.

Ingredients: we take several breasts, ground black pepper, coarse salt (sea salt), basil, thyme, half a glass of brandy (soy sauce can be used instead, it will also be very tasty).

Preparation: The brisket is thoroughly cleaned of fat layers andfilms, wash and dry. Then put in a tray with a mixture of pepper, salt and brandy (the last ingredient is not necessary, but with it the aroma and taste and meat will be better). Sprinkle with salt and herbs on top and cover with a lid for 12 hours. In the morning we get a piece, wash it, wrap it in cheesecloth and send it back to the refrigerator for 12 hours (for turkey it will take about a day). Dried meat at home is ready.

As you can see, in the preparation of dried meat inHome environment is nothing complicated, and all its advantages are obvious. Such meat is stored for a long time, it can be used daily as an additive to a side dish, used for sandwiches, canapes, as a snack to beer. Dried meat at home - this is a great opportunity for the hostess to show their culinary skills and once again surprise their home and guests.