/ / Various dishes from minced meat in a hurry

A variety of dishes from mince in a hurry

It happens that guests come unexpectedly andThe hostess is faced with the task of quickly preparing a tasty and satisfying dish. In this case, to help come the dishes from minced meat in a hurry. For example, you can cook stuffed tomatoes.

To do this, you need: 8-10 pcs.ripe tomato, half a kilo, bulb, garlic, tomato paste and cinnamon to taste. Tomatoes wash and remove from them the tops. Remove a piece of pulp with a spoon. Minced meat is spread on a frying pan, add crushed onions, a pair of finely chopped cloves of garlic. Fry, sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon, salt and mix with a tablespoon of tomato paste. Add the taken out pulp of tomatoes and fill the stuffing with tomatoes. The oven is heated to 200 degrees, after which it is put into a pan with stuffed tomatoes for 10 minutes. Before serving, decorate with parsley sprigs.

What else can you cook with minced meat in a hurry? For example, pasta with sauce.

Bulb rubbed on grated, mixed with a pack of minced meatin 200 gr and fry in a pan, add 2-3 large spoons of tomato paste and a glass of water. Salt, pepper, mix and stew for a couple of minutes. Macaroni is boiled, water is poured from them, butter is added and mixed with the prepared sauce.

Meatballs with mushrooms or pancakes - this is certainly not a dish of minced meat in a hurry. However, for experienced housewives cooking does not create special difficulties.

They will need:a pair of bulbs, 200 g minced meat and 4-5 pcs. potatoes and 2 tablespoons of flour. Potatoes and onions are peeled and tindered on a fine grater. Transfer to a bowl and add minced meat. Salt, add flour and mix thoroughly. Place the dough with a spoon on a heated frying pan and fry well each side. Serve with sour cream.

For meat bits with mushrooms you will need:half a kilo of minced meat, onion, 200 g of mushrooms, egg and spices. Mince salt, pepper and mix with the egg. The bulb and mushrooms are finely chopped and fried with vegetable oil. From the stuffing form the little bits, inside which put the mushroom stuffing. Each is rolled in breadcrumbs and fried until a golden crust appears. Then they are folded into a mold and sent to the oven to bake until cooked at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Casseroles are also simple dishes made from minced meat in a hurry.

Чтобы приготовить обыкновенную запеканку нужно take: potatoes - 10 pcs., 1 onion and carrots, 200 g minced meat, half a glass of milk and greens. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into thin rings. Carrot tinder on a fine grater, the onion finely chopped. Vegetables and stuffing is transferred to a pan and fry. Spread half the sliced ​​potatoes in a baking dish. Then - a layer of roasted minced meat and the remains of potatoes. Pour 2/3 cup of milk, stir in it half a teaspoon of salt, sliced ​​greens and a pinch of ground pepper. Pour this mixture of potatoes and put the form in the oven. From above you can sprinkle with grated cheese. Prepare for about thirty minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Homemade probably will enjoy a roll of minced meat with dough or hedgehogs with minced meat and rice in sour cream sauce, cooked for dinner.

Roulette recipe:

Ingredients: half a kilo of minced meat and puff pastry, 100 grams of cabbage, onions, 2 eggs, 100 grams of brynza, marjoram and hops-suneli, sesame seeds for decoration.

The dough is spread on the table with one large sheet.Prepare the filling: finely cut onions, add ground meat, protein, diced cheese, a teaspoon of mustard, a pinch of black pepper and seasoning. All mix and spread on the dough. Cabbage is finely chopped and put on for five minutes in a pan. Excess water is allowed to drain and spread cabbage over minced meat. Roll wrapped, greased with egg yolk and sprinkled with seeds, wrapped in foil and put on a baking tray in the oven, which is heated to about 200 degrees. Minutes for 10 before the ready foil can be opened to the top browned.