/ / Beer "Brahma" - the taste of sunny Brazil!

Beer "Brahma" - the taste of sunny Brazil!

This drink can be attributed to the legendary andworld famous. And not only in Brazil, where "many, many wild monkeys"! And around the world. "Brama" is a beer deeply respected by all connoisseurs of foam. Although it seems rather strange that it happens from this country, which hardly anyone associates with the world's most famous brands. Of course, there its own original culture, customs and traditions - and beer in itself is popular because of the "terrible heat" on the street. And Brama beer - as well as dozens of other beer brands that are less well known to us - is quoted by habitues of beaches and visitors of all kinds of diners and restaurants.

brama beer

Flavor and flavor

According to the unanimous opinion of some experts, the wholesecret taste in a note of citrus. But bitter zest in beer "Brahma" is completely absent, and it itself has a very mild aftertaste. And even tremors in the production of this drink are used a special variety, different from so-called "European" microorganisms. Brazilians use and different from the usual hops. It saturates Bram's beer with unique flavors of flowers. All this allows us to speak about the identity and authenticity of a foam drink, which allows it to be rightfully called the national Brazilian treasure.

Some characteristics

For this, so that the world is appreciated "the pearlBrazil ", the designers also invented a special capacity. The beer bottle has a very original curved shape, the name of the drink is written on the glass. This design speaks of the vital credo of the indigenous people: "live easily, and do not submit to the blows of fate." This philosophy of Brazilians is called ginga, and it is quite famous all over the world.

Brahma выпускают в ёмкостях по 0,5 и 0,33 литра.Beer composition: water, barley malt, maltose syrup, hops, sugar. The density is 11%, and the alcohol content is not less than 4.6. Characteristic is the color. It is orangeish, with a tinge of reddish color. The same palette, by the way, is typical for the environment of this Latin American republic.

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Beer "Brahma": producer

For quite a long time, the brand did not leave the limitsnative country, although today it is known almost everywhere, entering the top ten most bought beer throughout the world - the Old and the New. It all began much more prosaically, in Rio, where Ostap Bender dreamed to visit. It was here in the XIX century, at the end, appears Brahma.

Joseph Villinder, a Swiss by birth,moves there to a permanent place of residence. And soon the enterprising European realizes that the local beer will not be drunk well, as it should. Joseph decides to correct the situation and begins his cooking, as it is positioned: for himself and for acquaintances. "European" foamy fell in love in the district, and the Swiss expands the capacity, opening the brewery. Here in 1888 there are only 32 employees, and the production is 12 000 diurnal liters. Soon a successful business was sold to another owner, and the new owner of the brand did not hit the dirt in the face. New capacities are opened, and production is increased to an annual 6,000,000! All this time, the drink is poured into oak barrels, only in 1934 - bottling of glass begins. Today the drink Brahma belongs to the corporation Anheuser-Busch InBev and is very popular all over the world.

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Some interesting facts

In Brazil, the brewing industry is quite developedtoday. Even in small towns in mini-markets you can find many brands of local beer - and craft (although the Brazilians use the term artesanal), and factory.

In Brazil there is also a local Oktoberfest.This rather large-scale event lasts about a month, lovers of beer peep from the city to another. And here you can also try the authentic Brama beer. Its price is democratic and fluctuates within a dollar per bottle.