/ / German beer of horse fermentation

German beer of horse fermentation

Do you know that more than 40% of the world's beerdo in Germany? On average, every German at the age of 15 years drinks 180 liters of this intoxicating drink. The secret of good local beer in the purest spring water (the most delicious water is available in the areas of Odenwald, Vesrwald, Hesse and the Black Forest) and perennial traditions of brewing.

Many technologies of beer storage and productionemerged in Bavaria thanks to the local innovator Gabriel Zedlmayer. Relying on scientific data, this man introduced into production sugar and cooling units, developed and promoted the method of bottom-fermentation.

Up until today, the most popular varietiesGerman bottom-fermented beer. However, beer of horse fermentation (yeast cultures floating on the surface of the wort, actively processing sugar into alcohol), especially from Germany, deserves no less careful study. If you want to drink real German beer in one of the cafe of Kostroma. First German Cafe Munich will give you this opportunity.

Varieties of beer of horse fermentation

Altbier (Alt or "Old") - dark (from brightcopper to red) aromatic beer, which is brewed according to ancient recipes in the lower reaches of the Rhine, more precisely in Düsseldorf. Depending on the additional ingredients and their concentration, the taste of the beverage may also vary. Malt makes the beer sweet, and hops - bitter.

Berliner Weibe (Berlin White) - very easydraft beer (2.8% alcohol), which is brewed in Berlin from wheat, barley and malt. Feature of this variety: 1/3 consists of wheat malt. Very popular beer among German ladies and tourists. In Berlin, you will certainly be served it in a high glass mug with a lid.

Doppel Weizenbock is a fairly strong German beer, since it contains at least 18% of the original wort. There is both a dark and a light variety of it. There is drunken bitterness.

Kolsch (Cologne) - a light type of sparkling beertop fermentation with a slightly bitter taste and aroma of hops. Produced exclusively in and around Cologne (on the lower Rhine). As many as 24 breweries are engaged in making this particular variety. It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of this town consider Kolsch beer to be the only traditional German beer.

Malzbier - almost black beer with a taste of burnt sugar and a bright malt aroma, sweetish. It has a low alcohol content. In Germany, it can be drunk even to children and pregnant women.

Weizenbock (Wheat Beer) - Strong Germanbeer top fermentation with yeast sediment light shade. Because of the different malt can be dark or light. Characterized by a strong bitter taste and aroma of hops.

German pubs are scattered all over Germany. In whatever corner of this country you are not skidded, you can always enjoy the excellent German beer.