/ / Blueberry in its own juice: a recipe without sugar

Blueberry in its own juice: a recipe without sugar

Черника невероятно вкусна и полезна.The high content of anthocyanin, vitamin C, apple and citric acids in this berry provided her a place even in the ration of British military pilots of the Second World. That blueberry jam was included in their rations. Of course, many housewives tend to make supplies from such a wonderful gift of nature. How is it better to save all of its usefulness? Blueberries in their own juice retains a maximum of vitamins and is very popular with children and adults.

blueberry in own juice


Keep in mind that blueberries are in their own juice inthe cooking process loses 30% of the original volume. This should be taken into account when choosing and preparing banks. The container must be thoroughly washed and roasted in the oven for half an hour. Fresh berries need to be poured in cold water and let stand for about an hour, this is necessary in order for all the midges to come up. After that, blueberries are washed, fox and other debris is removed from the placer. Now take a large pot or bowl, a basin, where it will be convenient to put the jars. Of the three liters of berries, 4 half-liter jars of the finished product are obtained. We put the tare into the water, so that it reaches 4/5 of the height. Turn on slow fire and sterilize. Blueberries in their own juice will gradually boil, so you need to follow and, as necessary, to report berries. Banks should be placed only in cold water, but in no case in hot, otherwise the glass will burst. Covers for preservation, too, must be sterilized, for this it is enough to boil them for 5-10 minutes, this procedure will not do them harm, but kill all the germs. When the bilberries in their own juice are almost ready, that is, the berries will no longer decrease in volume, if desired, you can add a teaspoon of granulated sugar to each jar, but you can not do it, and without it the preservation is perfectly preserved.

blueberry in own juice recipe

Such ready-made cans should be covered with lidsand another 5 minutes to sterilize, after which you can get out of the water and roll up. As you can see, the preparation of blueberries in their own juice is very simple and does not require much effort. Banks are best wrapped and left for the night in the warmth, and then can be transferred to the basement or pantry. Such a preparation can safely stand at room temperature for a whole winter, unless, of course, your households eat it first. Another plus that blueberries have in their own juice - the recipe does not require sugar. Hence, such a dessert will suit both those who suffer from diabetes, and those who observe harmony. You can eat it in its pure form or eat with cottage cheese, as well as a natural fruit ingredient for homemade yogurt. Delicious such a preparation and as a filling for pancakes, pies and other baking, as well as an ingredient for the preparation of sweet or sour-sweet sauces. It can be used for making cocktails: dairy, fruit-berry or alcoholic.

blueberry preparation in own juice

Blueberry jam, as well as the traditional crimson jam - an excellent remedy for colds. The antibacterial properties of this berry are practically not lost during the heat treatment.