/ / How to make tomatoes in own juice quickly and easily

How to make tomatoes in your own juice easily and quickly

Preserving food makes it much easier.The process of daily cooking for each housewife. This is no secret to anyone. Harvested vegetables and fruits allow you to always have on hand the right component to make this or that dish. No need to go shopping and spend time processing and preparing the original products. It is much easier to get the right jar from the shelf and solve the problem without additional efforts.

how to make tomatoes in their own juice

It’s hard to imagine first or second courses,in which tomatoes are not used in one form or another. This unique vegetable is used not only for addition and decoration. It is a part of various sauces and zazharok, without which many dishes lose not only the appearance, but also the unique taste and aroma peculiar to them. The ideal option for harvesting tomatoes, no doubt, is considered canning in a natural fill. For this you need to know how to make tomatoes in their own juice. There is nothing difficult. You just need to gradually perform the necessary actions. And the result will be guaranteed.

As you know, how many people - so many opinions.Therefore, each housewife has his own recipe on how to make tomatoes in their own juice. But they all share a clear sequence that must be observed in the cooking process. The process itself takes very little time. It will take no more than two hours to have jars of delicious tomatoes floating in a fragrant pouring on the table.

So, how to make tomatoes in their own juice?First you need to prepare the necessary source products. For canning it is better to take small vegetables. They are easier to put in banks. And for the preparation of a liquid medium, you can use several large tomatoes.

Of the products you may need: 2 kilograms of small 3 kilograms of large tomatoes, 2 regular tablespoons of sugar and salt.

cooking tomatoes in their own juice

The process itself consists of several main stages:

  1. Wash vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Small tomatoes neatly folded in jars to the top. Pre-peel them need to pierce with a needle in several places.
  3. Randomly cut large tomatoes, put them in a saucepan and bring slowly to a boil under a lid.
  4. Then rub the mixture through a sieve. The result is a natural tomato juice.
  5. Add the required amount of salt and sugar for every 1.5 liters of hot mass, carefully move.
  6. Pour the mixture into jars, cover them with a lid and pasteurize them into a wide container of boiling water for 8-10 minutes.
  7. Banks clog and turn upside down. Leave in this position until cool. You can store them anywhere.

This is the easiest, but not the only way to make tomatoes in their own juice at home. There are others.

In cooking, cooking tomatoes in your ownJuice is usually done in two ways. It all depends on the type of main source product. For conservation can be used unpeeled or peeled tomatoes. Here cooking technology is a little different. The process will be as follows:

  1. Rinse small tomatoes.
  2. In several places, each tomato slit the peel.
  3. Vegetables put in a pan with boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave in this state for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the time the tomatoes are removed from the water, peeled and carefully placed in pre-sterilized jars.
  5. Grind the rest of the tomatoes in a meat grinder, boil the mixture obtained over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  6. Then add sugar and salt.
  7. The resulting hot mixture pour the contents of the cans and tightly close the metal lids. Sterilized in this case is not necessary.

delicious tomatoes in their own juice

Such tomatoes can not only be eaten as an independent dish. They are perfect for making various flavored sauces.

Very tasty tomatoes in their own juice can be prepared without the use of any additives. This is done extremely simply:

  1. Remove fruit stalks from well-washed vegetables.
  2. Tomatoes randomly chop. Pieces must be large enough.
  3. Put the products in the pan and put on a small fire. After boiling mass boil for about 20 minutes.
  4. Put the prepared mixture in prepared jars and roll up.