/ / Pine cones jam: cooking recipe, benefit and harm

Jam from pine cones: a recipe for cooking, benefits and harm

How to make pine cones from jam?What is it good for? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Everyone knows that inhaling the aroma of pine needles while walking through a pine forest is not only pleasant, but also useful. The cough calms down, breathes easier, the cold disappears. Unfortunately, we only notice this effect. Indeed, in the body there are many restorative processes under the influence of essential oils, volatile production and other substances. To enjoy the intoxicating aroma of winter and maintain good health, prepare pine cones from pine cones.

The benefits and harm of jam

The benefits and harm of pine cones jam

In folk medicine, the dessert of pine conesIt is considered a powerful antipyretic, anti-cold and disinfectant. If you study the whole range of useful qualities of jam, you will definitely want to make it. But we can not forget here about the presence of contraindications.

Healing properties

Useful qualities of pine conescoughing effects are not limited. In fact, its action is much wider and affects almost all body systems. It is known that this jam is also known for such properties:

  • Treats the stomach. Green bumps have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach, alleviate the condition with ulcers and gastritis.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Phytoncides, which are in the composition of essential oils, are well struggling with viruses. That is why the body becomes more resistant to colds and infections.
  • Calms the nervous system. Eliminates depression, increases the overall tone of the human body and improves mood.
  • Saves from anemia. If you sometimes eat this unusual jam, your hemoglobin will increase.
  • Cleans the body. The chemical composition contains antioxidants that bind harmful substances and excreted from the body. Also, this jam prevents the appearance of edema.
  • Fights against respiratory ailments. Quickly soothes cough and relieves from cold. Relieves bronchitis and tuberculosis.
  • Relieves parasites. Worms and Giardia are dying under the influence of components of essential oils.
  • Stimulates brain activity. Increases performance, facilitates data storage. Also, thanks to coniferous jam, you can restore speech after a stroke.
  • Strengthens blood vessels and heart. With the help of tannin and B vitamins strengthen blood vessels and improves the activity of the heart muscle. This jam also cures hypertension.
  • Treats diseases of the oral cavity. Disinfecting and regenerating properties of jam affect the rapid healing of mouth ulcers, reducing gingival bleeding.

For the prevention of ailments can be eaten per dayjust one teaspoon of dessert. Can I eat pine cones from jam? Of course, because they will be sweet and soft after cooking. One candied buds per day is enough.


Pine cones jam recipes

Pine cones jam can be harmful in some cases. Do not forget about it. Make sure that you do not have any contraindications for this dessert:

  • acute hepatitis;
  • age over 60 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to three years;
  • chronic liver ailments;
  • susceptibility to allergies;
  • diabetes;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • breastfeeding period.

How to collect?

So, we have already considered the benefits and harm of jam frompine cones. They are usually collected at the end of May. Cones at this time have a clear coniferous aroma and small size. In May, they are juicy, soft and sticky from the sap that stands out from them.

Is it possible to eat pine cones from jam?

It is important not to collect pine cones along the tracks. After all, all the dirt, dust and harmful substances from the exhaust of cars are deposited on the delicate, sticky skin of a young cone.

Traditional Recipe

Pine cones jam recipes existlots of. Consider one of them. Reassemble the houses collected pine cones, throw out insects, debris and rinse with water. Next, they need to shift into an enamel basin and pour cold filtered water so that it covers the cones by 2-3 cm. Cones should stand overnight. Further from this infusion boil jam, applying it instead of water.

For 1 l of infusion, you need to take 1 kg of sugar and cookas a simple five-minute. That is, boil for 5 minutes, then remove and cool. Next day, repeat the cooking, so repeat three times (remove the resulting foam).

The cones of jam will have an amber color, a wonderful smell and taste. When cooked, it must be cooled, and then poured into the banks.

How to use pine cones jam?

How to use pine cones jam?Take it for 1 tbsp. l per day and one cone in the form of an immunostimulant and as a prophylactic agent. It will protect you from ailments in the winter and autumn, and also help to overcome the onset of the disease.

Other preparation option

In this case, you need to have these ingredients:

  • pine cones (1 kg);
  • 1 kg of sand sugar;
  • water (10 cups 200 ml each).

Jam made according to this recipe is healing. It is great help from polyarthritis. Add it to tea for 1 tsp. and consume until the pain ceases.

So, soak for a day bumps in cold water.Sugar and infusion mix and boil the syrup. Next, put the cones in the hot syrup and boil, stirring incessantly until the jam becomes amber (a couple of hours).

In the process of cooking will form a black scum. It needs to be removed. If you have a thick jam, add more water to it and boil.

Interesting recipe

You do not know how to cook from pine conesjam? We present you the following interesting recipe. Wash 1 kg of pine cones and put to boil in three liters of water for 4 hours on low heat. Next, remove the container from the heat and set to insist on the future delicacy for 12 hours. Now take out the bumps with a slotted spoon and get pink kissel. Discard the cones, and cook from the kissel jam (for 1 kg of sugar is 1 l of kissel).

How to cook pine cones jam?

Boil until cooked. The finished dessert will have the color and taste of dark honey, give a little pine resin. This jam is useful for pulmonary tuberculosis, sore throat, cough, flu, especially in babies.

If you drink tea with such jam in the evening, a positive result will appear in the morning.

Cough preserves

Рецепты варенья из шишек сосновых удивляют своей simplicity. So, to create a healing dessert using the following technology, you need to wash and dry 100-120 pine cones. Next, fill them with water (2 liters) and cook for 50 minutes on low heat. Then strain, add sugar (1 kg) and cook for a couple of hours, stirring.

Jam should be watery. Make sure that it is not digested and thickened. Cool, pour the treat on the banks and close the usual lids.

Take when you cough, ailments of the bronchi. Children can give jam on a glass of tea 1 tsp. three times a day, adults - 1 tbsp. a spoon. It is useful for low hemoglobin, pulmonary tuberculosis.

From young cones

One can (0.5 l) of pine cones fill with waterCold, boil for 20 minutes so that they do not boil soft, but become soft. Remove with a skimmer, transfer to the made syrup (1 kg of sugar, a couple of glasses of water) and boil for another 25 minutes.

Pine cones jam

This dessert turns out very beautiful and tasty.

Another recipe

Before you start cooking jam from conespine, benefit and harm it should examine everyone. We present you another recipe for this amazing delicacy. So, pine cones fill a three-liter jar. Pour them with sugar (3 kg). Cover and place on a sunny window sill.

After a couple of days, syrup will appear in the jarshake every day). After 4 days, move the green bumps into a bowl, pour the syrup into it, add 1.5 liters of water and cook for five minutes. Then cool to room temperature and boil for another five minutes.

When the bumps are soft, the jam will be ready.If they are still solid, repeat the procedure again. Cones should not be boiled soft! Jam is obtained with an unusual smell and taste. Do not be ill, stay healthy!