Watermelon jam is very tender and insane.delicious dessert, which you can always please your household - it is only necessary to stock up in advance a few watermelons and some other ingredients that are included in this sweet billet.
For those who are not familiar with watermelon jam,I want to say that it can be cooked both from the flesh itself and from the crusts - and in that and in another case, you can get a true delicacy. So, let's understand how to make jam from watermelon and jam from its crusts.
Watermelon jam
For cooking you will need:
- the pulp of watermelon - 2 kg;
- granulated sugar - 8 glasses;
- 4 glasses of water;
- fresh lemon juice - from two fruits;
- Vanillin for a pleasant aroma.
To make jam you need to producethe initial processing of watermelon. It is easy, but rather tedious, because it involves obtaining clean watermelon pulp by separating it from the bones and crusts. And, if it is not difficult to cut off the peel, then to get the bones, you will need to work hard and spend a lot of time.
However, when you have done everything, you need tocut the prepared watermelon flesh into small pieces, and after that, pouring the amount of water in the ingredients list, start cooking over high heat. As soon as you notice the boiling process, wait for about 5 minutes and remove the mass from the stove. The watermelon pieces need to be removed from the syrup formed during the boiling process and put into ice water (ice water). After this, the process of cooking dessert will have to be briefly suspended for about 8 hours.
After the allotted time passes,Remove the watermelon from cold water and pour hot syrup, which you received during cooking. During noon, let the mass infuse and soak in juices. After that, the juice is poured again and two glasses of sugar, lemon juice, vanillin are added to it. In this composition, the syrup needs to be cooked for some time, and then a watermelon is placed in it. Now your task is to cook the mass until it becomes transparent.
Remove the jam from the stove, cool and enjoy its divine taste!
Watermelon jam is the most waste-freeproduction (if, of course, the discarded stones are not taken into account), since even from the crusts of the berry you can cook a no less delicious dessert - watermelon jam.
Watermelon Crust Jam
For cooking you will need:
- watermelon peels - 2 kg;
- granulated sugar - 3 kg;
- water - 1 liter;
- lemon juice (it is better to choose individually, to taste)
Watermelon peel jam is relatively easy to prepare, but at the same time very long.
First you need to prepare a basicingredient - watermelon peel. To do this, they are processed - it is necessary to cut off the green skin - it will not be needed. The remaining pieces should be cut into medium slices and, filled with hot water, cook over high heat for five minutes. After this time, the crusts are removed from the stove and reclined on a sieve. They need to be cooled and only after that continue cooking the jam.
Fill with hot water, in which the crusts were boiled,sugar and, putting on the fire to boil, begin to stir - so until the sugar is dissolved and syrup is not formed. Only then add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Cool by that time watermelon peels lay insyrup and continue cooking in this composition for half an hour. After this time, the mass is removed from the stove and infused over several hours. Practice shows that it takes about three hours. After this, you will again have to boil the mass with watermelon crusts for twenty minutes and, removing from the heat, insist for two hours. If necessary, you will need to cook again, but only on low heat. As a result, you must achieve such a result that the peels become completely white.
When you cool the mass removed from the stove, the jam is ready!
In addition to these two desserts, you can cook other watermelon dishes, but that's another story ...