/ Vegetarian salad Olivier. Vegetarian Olivier: Recipe

Vegetarian Russian salad. Vegetarian Olivier: Recipe

So it has traditionally turned out that we have anythe holiday does not do without Russian salad. And although his recipe was invented by a Frenchman, the appetizer is called “Russian” all over the world. And all because Lucien Olivier, the inventor of the eponymous salad, was a chef at the Hermitage restaurant in Moscow. It was in the early sixties of the XIX century. Since then, no changes in the recipe have undergone the traditional Russian salad! The vegetarian version appeared relatively recently. Previously, at the time of the Christian post salad simply did not. The snack was meat by default. But now an increasing number of people join the ranks of vegetarians. Should they give up their favorite and familiar since childhood salad Olivier? Of course not! In this article we will explain how to cook Olivier. Read, follow directions and enjoy a great snack.

Vegetarian Olivier

Metamorphosis of Olivier

The original recipe, invented by the Frenchthe chef included the following ingredients in the salad: boiled potatoes, fresh cucumbers, fillet of fried hazel grouse, veal tongue, capers, olives. Refueled appetizer Provencal sauce with French vinegar, to which was added Kabul soybeans. Cancer necks (or pressed caviar), lettuce leaves and chopped lanspeak were used as decorations. In the years of “developed socialism”, the welfare of the working people corrected the ingredients of Olivier. Ryabchikov and veal tongue replaced the Doctor's sausage, capers and olives — canned peas. Since the salad was often made for the New Year, the fresh cucumber was replaced by salty. To increase the number of ready meals, zealous Soviet hostesses began to add boiled eggs and carrots with onions to a snack. In the years of Perestroika, a vegetarian Olivier appeared against the background of a general deficit. And caught on! Now he is gaining more and more popularity among Russians.

Ingredients Olivier

Olivier Vegan: Recipe basic

Traditionally, this salad is prepared for a large family.or universal feast. Therefore, here the number of ingredients is given based on a small bowl of Russian salad. Boil half a kilo of potatoes and about 300 grams of carrots in uniforms. Readiness of vegetables is checked with a fork. If it easily enters the pulp, it can be removed from the fire. Drain the water, let the vegetables cool down, then peel them. Cut potatoes and carrots in the same small cubes. A can of champignons are decanted. The mushrooms themselves (about 350 grams) crumbled in a bowl for vegetables. Cucumbers - salted or pickled - in the amount of 250 g cut into cubes. Peel and chop the middle bulb. Strain the liquid from the banks of green peas, pour in a bowl. A bunch of green onions chopped. Vegetarian Olivier we fill with sour cream - for those who accept dairy products. If we keep fasting, for the sauce we use soy mayonnaise, cooked without adding eggs. Salt snack is not necessary.

How to cook Olivier

Vegetarian Olivier with Cheese

If you eat dairy products,favorite salad can do so. In a double boiler or a conventional saucepan, we prepare kilograms of potatoes in potatoes and half the number of carrots. Peel them and cut them into small cubes. Similarly, grind three cucumbers - fresh or salted - and 150 grams of Adyghe cheese. If you are allowed to have these beliefs, add a few hard-boiled eggs to the salad. Twenty pieces of olives or pitted olives and fillers are cut into rings. Add a jar of green peas. One hundred grams of seaweed chopped. Sour cream and lean mayonnaise mix in a ratio of one to one. Dress the salad with this sauce, add salt, a pinch of black pepper, a spoonful of asafoetida and turmeric, mix.

Olivier vegetarian recipe

Olivier for raw foodists

What only diets do not exist now!But your favorite salad Olivier should not be in connection with this on the side of your life. We offer you a recipe for raw foodists. Of course, some heat treatment of the products is present here, but the most minimal. We wrap three potatoes and two carrots in foil and bake in the oven. So vegetables will retain maximum beneficial properties. The stove needs on the upper grate for about an hour at 180 degrees. But champignons (200 g) can be used raw. In a vegetarian Olivier we also add two or three small cucumbers, half a can of peas, a sour fresh apple. If desired, one hundred grams of Adyghe cheese or tofu can be included in the number of ingredients. Mix the salad, fill it with sour cream. Add salt and favorite spices. Sprinkle generously with chopped dill.

Olivier vegetarian salad

Vegan recipe

In principle, all products for this salad caneat those who stick to this diet. Therefore, the recipe is not much different from the base. So, how to cook Olivier for vegans? As we completely eliminate eggs, we increase the proportion of nutritious mushrooms. Champignons can be and not canned, and lightly fried in olive oil. We also add olives or olives to taste. Many recipes recommend cutting soy sausage into a salad. If you use sea kale, you should soak it first. For a vegan it is better to fill up such an Olivier with soy yoghurt or lean mayonnaise. To taste the eggs in the salad, add black salt instead of regular salt to it.

Olivier during the Christian Lent

Unfortunately, the New Year is in Orthodoxyfor the period before christmas. When all over the world Christians, having met December 25, are walking recklessly, it is too early for us to break our fast. But this is not a reason to refuse on New Year's Eve from the canonical Olivier. Vegetarian recipe allows you to make meat salad fish. As it should be on a holiday, we will not skimp, but take two hundred grams of salted red fish fillet - salmon, trout, salmon. Cut it into small cubes. All other ingredients, traditional for Olivier, are ground in the same way. Instead of meager eggs, we take an apple - it goes well with the taste of fish. To this salad and dressing should be special. To make the sauce, mix lean mayonnaise with a small amount of lemon juice. Add mustard, white pepper, sugar and salt. In this salad, it is permissible to replace canned peas with corn.