/ Mexican tortilla. How to cook a tortilla: a recipe

Mexican tortilla How to cook a tortilla: a recipe

Mexican tortilla with various fillingsfirmly entered the life of modern Russians, along with fast food such as shawarma or hamburger. We are no longer surprised by the exotic tartyla, tacos or fajitos. To create a Mexican-style lunch, no special culinary skills are required. In this article we will tell you how to cook a tortilla at home. You will also learn how to make a burrito, enchilado and tacos on your own from simple products.

Mexican cake

Tortilla tortilla

Mexican cuisine is known worldwide.thanks to the traditional snacks that are very tasty and simple in execution. Most of them are fresh corn tortillas with various sauces and various fillings. The tortilla tortilla is cooked very simply:

  • Mix in a large bowl three glasses of wheatflour, bag of baking powder and some salt. Chop two tablespoons of butter with a knife or grate. Rub all ingredients with your hands until they turn into crumb.
  • One and a half cup of hot water graduallyadd to flour. Knead a soft dough and divide it into pieces equal to the size of a chicken egg. Cover the blanks with a towel and let them rest for about 15 minutes.
  • Sprinkle flour on the tabletop andRoll thin pancakes out of the prepared dough. The Mexican tortilla is baked in a hot, frying pan without oil until its surface is browned and bubbles.

To prepare the tortilla chips, takewheat and corn flour in a ratio of 1: 1. Finished Mexican tortilla can be stored for a long time in the freezer, if you wrap it with parchment or cling film. To use the tortilla, you only need to defrost it at room temperature, and then heat it in the microwave.

Tortilla with chicken

This wonderful dish is able to replace a full-fledged dinner, and it is cooked very simply:

  • Chicken breast cut into small cubes and fry in a pan until cooked. Do not forget to season it with salt and pepper.
  • We will make the sauce for the tortilla from sour cream, chopped garlic and chili pepper.
  • Tomatoes cut into slices, and cucumbers into strips.
  • Heat the tortilla with a sauce, put a couple of lettuce, vegetables, tomato paste and chicken on it.
  • Roll the cake in an envelope, and to prevent the filling from scattering, wrap the envelope in foil.

Tortilla with chicken is ready! Better serve it to the table at once, so that too much juice is not extracted from the vegetables.

Tortilla tortilla

Spicy burrito

This versatile dish can be prepared with any meat, fish or vegetable filling. This time we suggest you make a ground beef burrito:

  • The most important component of this dish is, of course,is tortilla. At home, these cakes can be prepared from flour and water as described above. If you do not want to bake, you can buy ready-made and use them as a basis for burritos.
  • Fry 500 grams of minced meat in vegetable oil until half cooked.
  • Peel one onion, chop it and put it in the pan to the meat. When it is browned, add diced bell pepper, chopped chili (to taste) and canned beans.
  • Vegetables salt and sprinkle with lime juice.
  • Place the filling in the center of the cake and wrap it in a straw.

If you wish, you can change the number of ingredients, add other vegetables or sauce.

How to cook with tortilla


Like many other Mexican dishes, enchiladas consists of unleavened flat cakes, meat and vegetable fillings, and salsa (special sauce).

  • Cut half of the red onion into a small cube, and grate the carrots. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil.
  • Boiled chicken breast (or grilled chicken) divided into fibers and fry with vegetables for a few minutes.
  • Put the stuffing on the heated tortillas and wrap them in tubes.
  • When all the tubes are ready, they should be fried in oil or reheated in a microwave.
  • Pour the green salsa into the shallow plates, put a few tubes on it in a row. Pour the enchilados with sour cream on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.
    tortilla sauce


Freshly baked Mexican tortilla with meatthe filling has such a bright taste that the language does not turn to call it fast food. Natural products in combination with fresh vegetables and greens can not be compared with buns, sausages and sauces of unknown origin. Preparing this wonderful dish is very easy:

  • Peel one onion, cut it into strips and pickle vinegar in one tablespoon.
  • Chop a bunch of parsley, mix with onions, a spoon of sugar, salt and black pepper.
  • 300 grams of veal tenderloin skip through a meat grinder and fry in a pan for a few minutes.
  • Chop sweet red pepper and large tomato, then shift to the meat and simmer all together under a lid until done. Do not forget to salt the filling and season it with chili.
  • When the stuffing is cool, put it on the tortilla, sprinkle with onions and pour the hot sauce. Bend the cake in half so that the filling is evenly distributed, then serve on the table.
    Tortilla at home


This is another popular dish of Mexican cuisine, which is made from tortilla, meat, vegetables and cheese:

  • Chicken fillet cut into cubes and fry in a pan until half cooked.
  • Onions, tomatoes and sweet peppers also cut into cubes and stew with chicken.
  • Add to the pan canned corn, tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Твердый сыр натрите на крупной терке и положите on one half of the tortillas. Put the stuffing on top and then another layer of grated cheese. Fold the cake in half, cut into two parts and fry in a heated pan on both sides.

Fajitas with meat

tortilla at home

According to the classic recipe beef, which willused for this dish should be marinated in a special way for two or three days. However, we suggest you take advantage of a simpler option for making this hearty snack:

  • 500 grams of beef tenderloin, cut into steaks, each rub with salt and black pepper. Cook the prepared meat in salted water for about 20 minutes.
  • When the meat has cooled, cut it into thin and long fibers.
  • Three red onions and four Bulgarian peppers cut into long strips.
  • Heat a frying pan well and fry meat on it generously sprinkled with ground pepper. Then you can add vegetables and heat them along with the beef.

Forming fajitos is necessary for each participant of the meal. To do this, take the cake in your hand, put the stuffing in it, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour sour cream and salsa to taste.