/ / Pancakes with cottage cheese: recipe

Nylon with cottage cheese: recipe

In this article we will explain how to cookPancakes with curd. This is a dish of Ukrainian cuisine - a subject of national pride, on a par with borsch, dumplings, Greek women, howls ... But stop! Let's go back to the lists. They come with a variety of fillings. At weddings they are served with minced chicken or minced meat. On christenings - sweet, with raisins, apples, or cherries with creamy honey sauce. On weekdays - with cabbage, mushrooms, liver, cheese. In general, the same products can serve as a filling for this dish as for dumplings. But the classics of the genre were and remain pancakes with curd. And making dough for them is a bit like the process of mixing the base for Russian pancakes. But it has its own specifics. Let's get into it.

Pancakes with curd

Ingredients for dough

Russian pancakes, french crepes, mexicantortillas, English pancakes - they have a lot in common. A little away from these, of course, delicious national dishes are Ukrainian chandeliers: with cottage cheese, meat, any other stuffing. They are not just fried in a pan, but then baked in the oven with sauce or sour cream. Therefore, the dough for flour envelopes should be special. Each region of Ukraine has its own nuances. In Galicia Pancakes cooked in sour milk or whey. In Central Ukraine - on the fresh product. Somewhere add soda, and somewhere - starch. But the essential ingredient is eggs, but not any, but homemade. The brighter the yolks, the more elastic the dough will be for the banisters. There is another difference between this dish and Russian pancakes. You can add some vegetable oil to the base.

Currants with curd and raisins


It is with his kneading that we start cooking.Ukrainian chandeliers with curd (photo). The recipe will help us understand this whole and quite simple process. The dough is kneaded in two stages. First, it is made very thick (like pancakes), and then, after half an hour, it is diluted with large amounts of milk. But we begin the work by grinding four eggs with a third cup of sugar. Add a pinch of salt and about six tablespoons of wheat flour. Dilute with a small amount of milk - we pour about a quarter or a half glass from a liter. Leave the thick dough at room temperature for thirty minutes. After that, add the rest of the milk, stir thoroughly. The dough should be very liquid, but don't let that frighten you. Some housewives add a couple of spoons of sunflower oil. Others do not do this, but they fry onion-liners, having previously spent on the bottom of the frying pan with a piece of bacon, seated on a fork.

Pancakes with cottage cheese in the oven


For tasty - and, most importantly, whole -pancakes, we need to have a good cast iron pan with a thick bottom. Every Ukrainian ladies in the household have a special “bowl for banisters” - of small diameter in order to make it easier to turn the pancake. The pan is well heated, but not hot. Pour some dough. At the same time shake the pan so that it spreads evenly. If vegetable oil has been added to the dough, it should not be poured separately into the pan. It must be remembered that after frying, the leaves with curd will “reach” in the oven, so it is important not to overdry them. It would even be better if the pancakes come out a little damp. You can turn them over when the edges are slightly dried and lifted. If the dough is kneaded correctly, the pancakes will be very thin, translucent, but at the same time strong and elastic. Fold them in a plate and immediately cover them so that the steam softens the dough.


Если вы хотите приготовить настоящие украинские pancakes with cottage cheese, do not stint on a good farm cheese. Fat-free product behaves poorly in the oven and can spoil the whole dish. The classic of the genre involves two variants of pickled with curd: dessert and savory. Let's start with the first. Kilogram of fresh fat cottage cheese knead with a fork and knead with two eggs and two-thirds cup of sugar. You can add another bag of vanilla for taste. In a non-sweet version, simply limit the amount of sugar and add a few pinch of salt. The mass should in no case be liquid. If this happens, squeeze the filling in gauze. It is simple to form pancakes: put a spoonful of filling on a pancake, wrap it in an envelope or tube. Similarly, this dish is prepared with any other stuffing.

Pancakes with curd photo recipe

Pancakes with cottage cheese in the oven

Refractory pottery deep greasebutter. We put in it rows of finished tubes or envelopes. We shift them to pieces of butter. The oven is heated slightly. We cover the dishes and set on the minimum fire for an hour. Attention: no need to regret the butter, otherwise the bunches will dry out and not be steamed. If you want to make the dish more economical, bring the pancakes to readiness in the pan. But be sure to fry the marlins in butter. Or pour pancakes in the oven with sour cream sauce. Serve chandeliers made in clay painted bowls. Separately put on the table sour cream, honey and jam (for the dessert version) or chopped green onions and dill for savory pancakes.

How to Cook Pancakes with Curd

Pancakes with curd

These Ukrainian pancakes can have toppingsa countless amount. But if you decide to make them with cottage cheese, then your imagination will not be limited to certain canons. You can cook them with cherries or vanilla, dried apricots or poppy seeds. Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins are especially tasty. The process of making the filling is extremely simple. Soak the washed raisins (per kilogram of cottage cheese will require 100 g) in boiling water. When it swells, knead rich cottage cheese with yolks, sugar, vanilla. At the end add strained raisins. Spread the filling on a pancake, roll the tube. Place the paintings in the form, not only adding pieces of butter, but also sprinkling caramelized sugar on top. The Poltava version of this dish also assumes sour cream of each pancake. Bake at 160 ° C for about an hour. Serve with sour cream, mixed with condensed milk.