/ / Delicious onion cutlets: an economical recipe

Delicious onion patties: recipe economical

When in the fridge at least roll the ball beforewages two weeks, and you want to eat, involuntarily you start to wonder about what you can "build" a more or less decent lunch. To eat empty porridge or pasta, of course, you can, but still I would like to have them even a tiny bit of meat. But there is no meat, and is not expected in the near future. Really it is impossible to replace it with something? It turns out, you can. Such a "meat substitute" can serve as an ordinary ... onions! Yes, it is the onion from which it is possible to cook absolutely full-bodied cutlets. The one who first tries patties from onions will never guess what they are made from if he does not say so. Most often onion cutlets are taken for fish, and sometimes for chicken. So look for a couple of bulbs in your coffers - and go!

Для пробы приготовим самые простейшие луковые cutlets. The recipe is as follows: take three medium onions, two chicken eggs and three tablespoons of flour. Finely chop the onion, beat the eggs well, pour a little flour into them and beat again until all the flour lumps disappear. Pour this mass into chopped onion, add salt, pepper and fry in sunflower oil like fritters (that is, scoop the onion mass with a spoon - and into the frying pan). Fry over medium heat on both sides until golden brown. Put the finished cutlets in a bowl, they are ready to eat. But you can additionally a little stew them, pouring patties with roasted carrots and pouring with sour cream sauce or just water.

Here is another way how to cook onionscutlets. The recipe is a bit complicated. It is necessary to chop four large onions finely, sprinkle them with two teaspoons of salt, mix well and allow to stand for about 20 minutes so that the onions can start the juice. Then add 4 tablespoons of semolina to the onion and the same amount of flour. You can drive one egg, if you have one. Mix everything well, make cutlets and fry them in a greased pan or put them in a baking oven for 20 minutes. After that, remove the patties, pour them with sour cream or tomato juice and again send to the oven, heated to 230 degrees, for half an hour. And a small note: so that the cutlets do not turn out damp, chop the onions as small as possible.

To diversify the onion cutlets, the recipe can bea little more complication: you will need 5-6 fairly large onions, 6 eggs, 100g of rice, 2 tablespoons of semolina, breadcrumbs (can be replaced with flour), oil for frying. We put boiled rice, the result should be viscous porridge. While the rice is boiling, clean and finely chop the onion. When the rice has cooled down a bit, add it to the onion, we also beat the eggs and fill it with semolina, salt, pepper and mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, form the minced meat patties, roll them in breadcrumbs or flour and fry on both sides until golden brown. It should make very nice onion cutlets. The sauce recipe for these cutlets does not hurt. With the sauce, the chops will become even more appetizing and tasty: cut one medium onion into half rings and fry with one or two tablespoons of sugar until golden brown. Add one and a half tablespoons of flour, mix everything well and quietly pour in 200 g of tomato juice. Stirring is not interrupted. We sprinkle a little, put 1 bay leaf and 4-6 peas of black allspice, bring to a boil and boil for another 3-4 minutes. Tomato sauce should slightly thicken. When everything is ready, pour the sauce over the burgers and serve to the table. Such patties are best served cold.

Try to cook onion cutlets at least once.The recipe, as you can see, is not expensive, and the taste sensations are simply excellent. In addition, onion cutlets are less calorie than meat, and you can even serve them to pasta, even to buckwheat porridge, even to potatoes - they are universal and, moreover, useful. They do not need to warm up, which is an additional advantage, especially for the ever-hungry students.