How to cook sushi.

More often on our tables there are dishes of differentcuisines of the world. The eastern (Japanese) cuisine was not an exception. The most vivid example of this is the sushi. Every year they are gaining increasing popularity among our compatriots. And the question of how to cook sushi at home, becomes relevant for a large number of housewives. In fact, the cooking process is quite simple, you only need to say how to "fill your hand". And the question of how to cook sushi without having special adaptations is no longer so acute as before. In modern hypermarkets and specialty stores, there are all necessary adaptations and products.

To answer the question "How to cook sushi," you first need to determine the type of land. There are four main types.

  1. Norimaki - this species is wrapped in a special dried seaweed (nori) rice, with the addition of other ingredients in the middle.
  2. Osi-zushi - pressed, laid out in the form of a slide of rice, on which is laid the fish (salted or smoked).
  3. Nigiri-zushi - a kind of rice "fingers" with a variety of seafood or placed on top of an omelette.
  4. Chiraci-zushi - are rice laid out in special bowls, additional ingredients can be laid out from above or mixed with rice.

At home, of these four species, the mostit is difficult to prepare nigiri, since they require special skills, and with the other three species, basically, problems do not arise. But, regardless of the type, properly selected and prepared ingredients are the key to successful cooking.

Before looking for the answer to the question "Howmake sushi, "you need to stock up on the products and equipment that will be needed in the cooking process." So, if you go to a supermarket or a specialized store, boldly acquire:

- Packing of Japanese rice (labeled "for sushi");

- nori (dried seaweed in the form of sheets);

- Wasabi (special Japanese seasoning - powdery (diluted with water) or in the finished form);

- pickled ginger;

- sauce with the label "for sushi" (seasoning based on vinegar);

- soy sauce;

- stuffing for sushi (shrimp, salted, smoked or dried fish (salmon, eel, trout), cucumbers, sweet pepper, avocado, etc.);

- Bamboo mat.

So, how to cook sushi.First you need to properly prepare the main component - Fig. Pour it into a large bowl and rinse until the water becomes clear. We decant and leave for an hour. Pour cold water (400 grams of rice for sushi with 500 ml of water) into the saucepan and send it rice. Before boiling, cook on high heat, then reduce the heat to the smallest and cook under the lid until the water boils (about 20-30 minutes). Remove rice from the fire and leave for another 10 minutes, do not open the lid. In a separate small dish, dissolve salt and sugar in rice vinegar (4.5 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 0.5 tablespoons of salt). Rice from the pan is poured into a bowl and poured with cooked rice vinegar with sugar and salt. Stir with a wooden spatula, while it is necessary to cool down the rice as soon as possible (you can use a fan or a fan). The rice is ready for further manipulation.

I suggest, for a start, to prepare the most simplesushi. For example, the axis-zushi with salmon. For its preparation, we need rice, smoked salmon, a form (any rectangular box), food film prepared as described above.

We lay the shape of food film, to the bottomlay out thinly sliced ​​salmon slices, pour rice on top (about 2 - 2.5 cm), close all the film and carefully hand. We take out the zushi axles from the box, carefully unwind the film and cut the portion pieces with a sharp knife. Finished osdzisi is decorated with greenery. If desired, you can make several layers, adding your favorite ingredients.

Prepare sushi at home is not so difficult,the main thing is to have the desire and the necessary ingredients. As for the combination of products, you can safely fantasize or peep in the dry bar (often on the menu there is a list of ingredients that make up this or that dish).