/ / Preparations for the winter: how to store dried mushrooms

Blanks for the winter: how to store dried mushrooms

From several ways to stock this product(salting, pickling, freezing) one of the most popular is drying. Thanks to this process, very little moisture remains in the mushrooms (maximum 14%). Dried mushrooms require less storage space. At any time you can cook a tasty dish from them or use them as an addition to other culinary masterpieces. But for this you need to know how to store dried mushrooms.

How to store dried mushrooms
Dry mushrooms

All edible specimens are suitable for drying, butit is better to take aspen mushrooms, mokhoviki, boletus, boletus mushrooms, ceps, and others. To worry about the loss of some food qualities is not worth it. They are perfectly preserved. The aroma may increase. It is possible to dry mushrooms in the natural way - on the sun. But this process is longer. Well dried mushrooms should not crumble. They bend. Another drying option is in the oven. So the process goes faster. But at the same time it is necessary to ensure adequate access of air and evaporation of moisture.

Before processing the mushrooms must be carefullyto sort and cut into pieces, if they are large. Such simple rules will allow you to properly prepare this product. After all, it is necessary not only to understand how to store dried mushrooms, but also to know how to prepare them.

How long can you store dried mushrooms
Store mushrooms

Where to store dried mushrooms?This question is very relevant. You can prepare the mentioned product in large quantities, it all depends on the harvest. But to save it correctly, in order to use it all winter to create various dishes, is simply necessary. For this purpose it is best to use bags of worn or gauze fabric. If you do not know how to store dried mushrooms, then you should remember that they do not like dampness and require the place to be well ventilated. All dry foods absorb moisture from the environment and deteriorate. Also near should not be products with a very pungent smell. During storage, the mushrooms will absorb it and will have a completely different taste and aroma. How to store dried mushrooms in cans? This is the most common packaging, so everyone is interested in this question. Yes. You can store mushrooms in glass, hermetically sealed jars. But here there are some subtleties. First, the banks must be sterilized. Then they are well dried to avoid condensation. As soon as the mushrooms are ready, they should be immediately decomposed into a prepared container and tightly closed. It is better if the banks will have as little air as possible. To do this, pour alcohol on the bottom of the lid and set it on fire. Then immediately roll up. Burning alcohol consumes oxygen. Mushrooms are obtained as if in a vacuum. They are not moldy and well preserved. But for this you need to thoroughly dry the gifts of the forest.

Where to store dried mushrooms

Mushroom powder

If the mushrooms are dried up, then they can be applied.for the preparation of mushroom powder. You just need to grind them with a coffee grinder. In the future, the resulting powder is used in sauces, soups and other dishes. As a result of grinding, the mushrooms completely reveal their flavor. To the powder you need to add a little salt, and store it in a tight-fitting jar. And the last caveat: how much can you store dried mushrooms? Better - one season. But if the storage conditions allow, it can be a little longer.