/ / Italian risotto: what is it?

Italian risotto: what is it?

A popular Italian risotto dish is prepared fromrice arborio. In Italy, there are many ways to prepare this national dish. Almost every city has its own traditional recipe. Gourmets around the world appreciate local rice, which is grown without agrochemistry. In each grain there is a loose core that absorbs a large amount of liquid.

Risotto - what is it?The peculiarity of the dish is that a special rice arborio is used, which is fried in a frying pan. After that, it is quickly mixed with a small amount of broth. By this method of preparation, the rice is absorbed into the liquid. Groats, freed from starch, are tasted tender, but the grains can not be digested - they must be a little hard.

Risotto what is it?
How did the risotto dish appear, what is it?There are several legends about the origin of this recipe. According to one of the stories, the Milan ruler Gian Galeazzo Sforza sent another bag of unprecedented grains to another duke. This was the first mention of rice arborio.

Another legend tells of a cook who forgotgroats on the stove. It was boiled and became tender and pleasant to the taste. Already in the 16th century in the book of the famous Italian chef there were about 1000 recipes of this dish.

There is also a legend about the appearance of yellowrisotto. One apprentice joked about his master and added saffron to rice. At first, everyone was frightened by the color of the dish, but, having tried it, they appreciated the unusual taste.

risotto step-by-step recipe
Risotto - what is it?What are the best recipes? The fact is that the options are great: with meat, mushrooms, vegetables, seafood. The main thing is to include imagination and experiment boldly, taking into account the taste compatibility of various ingredients.

Salmon is ideally combined with round arborio rice when preparing risotto. A step-by-step recipe is given below.

  • Sliced ​​onions (1 pc.) fry in butter. Rice (1.5 cups) is well washed and also sent to a frying pan. All this fried for three minutes. Then add 100 ml of wine and, after it evaporates, pour in 1/3 of the prepared broth (1 l). The broth is gradually poured all over. When the last serving is added, saffron is added and cooked for 10 minutes.
  • After this, mix rice with butter and parmesan cheese.
  • The next ingredient to add is zucchini. It is cut into thin plates and cooked for 2 minutes. Pods of asparagus wrapped in salmon plates.
  • The form is oiled and layered with layers: zucchini, risotto (half) and asparagus. On top of the other half of the risotto lay out and cover the zucchini.
  • Cover it all with foil. Bake should be at a temperature of 180 ° C for 25 minutes.

risotto recipe classic
Risotto - what is it?This is when the cooked dish is on a plate in the form of a cream slide. The grains are not rigid and sticky, but at the same time they do not crumble. The prepared dish should be served immediately on the table.

How to cook a delicious risotto (recipe classic)?

First, fry the onion over a small fire.A glass of rice is added there and quickly mixed (2-3 minutes). Grains of arborio during this time should not acquire a brown color, but only become slightly transparent around the edges. Then add dry wine (0.5 cup). When it is absorbed by rice, you need to pour the broth. At the end of the cooking mix the rump with butter and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

A properly prepared risotto has a delicate taste, but inside the rice it becomes a bit elastic.